Brad's Worlds

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Summer Solstice

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This day usually marks the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere and the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere, and thus is the day of the year with the longest hours of daylight in the northern hemisphere and the shortest in the southern hemisphere.

I'm planning this years vacation. I'm thinking of traveling to Salem, Ma. to visit the town famous for the 1692 Salem Witchtrials. Boston also has a lot of history like the Boston Tea Party(I prefer coke so we'll call it the Boston coke party because that's what I'll be drinking), the Boston Massacre(the Boston Massacre refers to a football game in which Boston got stomped), etc. I could be wrong but I made you think about it. I've never been that far north in the U.S. I want to go in the fall when it's cool but not cold. If you have any tips on the upper northeast please comment.

In The News:
Revelers welcome summer solstice England - Druids, drummers, pagans and partygoers welcomed the sun Thursday as it rose above the prehistoric monument of Stonehenge on the longest day of the year — the summer solstice. and what do people in Louisiana do? Not a single thing. Most people here don't even know it exists.

Jimmy Kimmel has emergency appendectomy

Chrysler to boost gas mileage Thanks you. While other car makers are bitchin' and whinin' that they don't want to increase gas mileage, Chrysler responds. I love my Chrysler.

N.Z. couple can't name their son '4real' No way? For real?

Missing: Large lake in southern Chile Definitely worth the read.

15-year-old performs surgery in India

So you think trying out for Survivor would be a blast, check this out....Mars candidates, apply now

Pamela Anderson fights Finland fur farms I'm surprised she's smart enough to know what a farm is, or what fur is for that matter. "Does finland have a lot of fish? I bet they do". Face it Pam, can I call you Pam (as if I care), people like you for your body and noahahahahot for your brain or lack thereof.

Today in History:
524 - Godomar, King of the Burgundians defeats the Franks at the Battle of Vezerone.

1498 Jews are expelled from Nurenberg Bavaria by Emperor Maximillian

1607 1st Protestant Episcopal parish in America established, Jamestown

1621 - an execution of 27 Czech lords on the Old Town Square in Prague as a consequence of the Battle of White Mountain.

1633 Galileo Galilei is forced by Inquisition to "abjure, curse, & detest" his Copernican heliocentric views. Turns out, he was right.

1684 Massachusettes Bay Colony's charter revoked

1734 - In Montreal in New France (today primarily Quebec), a black slave known by the French name of Marie-Joseph Angélique, having been convicted of the arson that destroyed much of the city, was tortured and hanged by the French authorities in a public ceremony that involved her disgrace and the amputation of a hand.

1749 - Halifax, Nova Scotia, founded.

1768 1st US bachelor of medicine degree (Dr John Archer)

1788 - New Hampshire ratifies the Constitution and is thus admitted as the 9th state in the United States.

1813 - Laura Secord sets out to warn British forces of an impending U.S. attack on Queenston, Ontario during the War of 1812.

1834 Cyrus Hall McCormick patents reaping machine

1854 - First Victoria Cross won during bombardment of Bomarsund in the Aland Islands.

1858 Louisiana chess prodigy Paul Morphy arrives in Europe. and..............

1877 - The Molly Maguires, ten Irish immigrants who were labor activists, are hanged in the Carbon County, Pennsylvania Prison.

1879 F W Woolworth opens 1st store (failed almost immediately)

1893 1st Ferris wheel premieres (Chicago's Columbian Exposition)

1898 - Guam becomes a U.S. territory.

1903 Sherlock Holmes "Adventure of The Mazarine Stone" takes place (BG)

1913 Tiny Broadwick becomes 1st woman to parachute from an airplane

1915 - The U.S. Supreme Court hands down its decision in Guinn v. United States 238 US 347 1915, striking down an Oklahoma law denying the right to vote to some citizens.

1939 Doctors reveal Lou Gehrig has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, better known as Lou Gehrigs disease. What are the odds on that?

1940 - World War II: France surrenders to Germany.

1940 - First successful west-to-east navigation of Northwest Passage begins at Vancouver, British Columbia.

1945 - World War II: Battle of Okinawa ends.

1948 1st stored computer program run, on Manchester Mark I

1948 Dr Peter Goldmark of CBS demonstrates "long playing record" Columbia commits to 33 1/3 rpm records, plans to phase out 78's

1964 - Three civil rights workers, Andrew Goodman, James Chaney and Mickey Schwerner, are murdered in Neshoba County, Mississippi, United States, by members of the Ku Klux Klan.

1968 Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren resigns. You remember him don't you? As in, the Warren Commission to investigate the assassination of JFK.

1969 Zager & Evans release "In the Year 2525". A lot can be learned from this ditty.

1973 - In handing down the decision in Miller v. California 413 US 15, the Supreme Court of the United States establishes the Miller Test, which now governs obscenity in U.S. law.

1982 - John Hinckley is found not guilty by reason of insanity for the attempted assassination of U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

1982: Princess Diana gives birth to boy Prince William of Wales Prince Chuck & Lady Di's baby

1982 Paul McCartney releases "Take it Away". Did it come back to him?

1987 Mike Tyson sexually harasses a parking lot attendent. Just the term harass sounds like you're talking about her back side.

1989 - The U.S. Supreme Court rules in Texas v. Johnson that flag burning is protected speech under the United States Constitution.

1989 Melanie Griffith & Don Johnson remarry. This must be a great day for Antonio Banderas.

1990 Little Richard gets a star on Hollywood's walk of fame

1990 NYC's Zodiac killer shoots 4th victim, Larry Parham

2002 - The World Health Organization declares Europe polio free. How cool is that. You don't have to pay to play polio anymore.

2003 - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, by JK Rowling, is published worldwide (in English). I don't get how soooo many people are caught up in the "Potter", as they refer to it, fad.

2004 - SpaceShipOne becomes the first privately funded spaceplane to achieve spaceflight.

2006 - Pluto's newly discovered moons are officially christened Nix & Hydra.

Happy Birthday:
1732 Martha Washington 1st, 1st lady

1850 - Daniel Carter Beard, founder of the Boy Scouts of America (d. 1941)

1921 - Jane Russell, American actress. MEOW!!!

1947 - Joey Molland, English musician (Badfinger)

1950 - Joey Kramer, American drummer and percussionist (Aerosmith)

1961 - Kip Winger, American musician

1967 - Jim Breuer, American comedian

1973 - Juliette Lewis, American actress. "Mom, I can't feel my legs" "Mom, I can't feel my thighs" "Isn't it beautiful Audrey?" "She'll see it later. Her eyes are frozen."

1876 Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna Mexican general (took Alamo), dies at 82

2001 - John Lee Hooker, American musician (b. 1916) "Boom, boom, boom, boom"

2001 - Carroll O'Connor, American actor (b. 1924) "meathead"


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