Brad's Worlds

Friday, June 15, 2007

I Believe in Me

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I believe in Me, God (probably not like most people but that's not the point here).... I don't believe love and sex are the same. I don't believe you have to have love to have sex or vice versa. I don't believe in love. I don't believe in friendship. I don't believe in trust. Everyone has an angle and self interest (maybe not family though). I believe the world is all about money. If you eat, sleep, drive, have to pay someone. I don't believe in the view that any alcohol is bad. It makes me sick. I'm tired of backstabbing bullshit people who are supposed to be friends. Go away. Don't come back. I'm sick of these.... keepers of vaginas, as I call them, who try to rule others. I'm even more sick of people who let the keepers of vaginas continue to let this happen. Vagina is not worth all that cracka. Relationships. Where do I start. To put it plain and simple, relationships are complicated. Most are doomed from the beginning. These days relationships are designed to fail. You know that you always have a way out. I have a few gay friends. I'm completely straight and have never experienced that side of life. Sometimes I can understand what they're talking about. If women parts weren't just so much fun.... I still couldn't. Anyway.....Am I bitter? I wouldn't say so.

I call it an awakening. I no longer feel the need to sugar coat things to my "friends". You ask the question, I'll answer it. I'll actually go overboard to make it as harsh as possible. I've heard that I'm a bad influence. I can assure you any of my male friends is a worse influence than I could ever think about being. But hey, that's okay. I really don't need you around. I don't need negative energy around me. I'm happy to be alive. I want to see the world. I'm gonna live my life. I've wanted to do things in the past and someone would say, you can't do that, or, that sure is a lot of work, or, fuckall. Bam! I did them! I will enjoy my life while I can because one day it'll end. I don't want to be 80 looking back and saying I wish I'd done this or that. Don't be afraid to live. Be anti negative. This is who I am and who I want to be. Take it or fuck off. Why ya gotta be so harsh B? Well, read the above one more time.

In The News:
Angelina Jolie is crazy. Are you surprised? Me neither. The star of the new film "A Mighty Heart," about the widow of slain reporter Daniel Pearl and freedom of the press, says her representatives were trying to protect her when they sought to make media outlets sign an agreement not to ask Jolie personal questions. Who do you think you are? I hate people with ego problems.

A beaming David Hasselhoff said Friday he had won a long-running battle with ex-wife Pamela Bach over custody of his two teenage daughters. That guy's still alive? How?

Judge orders man not to have girlfriend for three years... Welcome to America, land of the free. What bullshit.

Lindsay Lohan has been sued again for a 2005 car crash in Beverly Hills. In the lawsuit filed Thursday, Raymundo Ortega alleged the actress was under the influence of alcohol when she crashed her car into his van on Oct. 4, 2005. At the time, authorities said it did not appear Lohan was responsible for the crash. Very sad. Wait, it says she crashed into him but it wasn't her fault? If it weren't her fault, he would've crashed into her. Drop the drugs and alcohol Lindsay. You'll be a lot better off. You don't want to turn out like Angelina do ya?

Cop interrupts pair having sex on crane. Atleast let them finish. They were trespassing, I'll give you that. That brought the whole Pee Wee Herman arrest come to mind. Pee Wee was in an adult peep show masterbating and got arrested for it. That's odd. Isn't that what they're designed for? He was arrested because he was Pee Wee Herman. Alls I'm saying is that if I'm having sex and mr. policeman comes along....he might as well pull up a chair and watch cause I ain't stoppin'.

Squirrel goes on rampage, injures 3. All I can say to this one is......blahahahahahahahaha

The judge who sued his dry cleaning shop for $54 million over a lost pair of trousers said as the trial wrapped up on Wednesday that he would use any winnings he might get to encourage others to follow suit. This judge should disbarred and arrested for this. I'm ashamed to be from the same country. You disgust me judge.

Kim Mayorga was confused when her 2-year-old started making funny faces and pushing away the apple juice he had ordered at Applebee's. The explanation came when she opened the lid of the sippy cup and was hit by the smell of tequila and Triple Sec. (Margarita)
The bad part about this is, you know Applebees will get sued for this. Maybe they should but then again maybe they should just fire the person that did the deed? Do you think? But that won't put junior through college and buy mom and dad a new mercedes. Am I reaching here? Oh yeah

Bars get no lift from Baptist meeting Interesting read. One point made in the story: Southern Baptists follow a conservative brand of Christianity that discourages alcohol consumption. That's right because Jesus turned the wine into water. Think for yourself people. Be real.

Missing Indian prisoner found snoring on jail roof. ahahahaha

Anti-Syrian Lebanese minister Ahmad Fatfat said on Friday he sued a television news anchor after she made unwitting remarks on air that he could be the next politician to be killed. Freedom of speech has a cost doesn't it. It's all about the money. Always has been, always will be.

Motel patron uses Bible to set blazes. It's ink and paper. You can destory a church building but you can't destroy a church. Get my drift?

Deputy's dog eats cruiser seats, dies. I bet he won't do that again. Who wants to take that bet? Step on up.

Indian man, 73, fails school exams on 38th try If at first you don't succeed, try try again. If you don't succed after 38 tries, failure may be your thing. Here's a hint.....STUDY

Since Sunday, one of the two channels on Natalie Meilinger's baby monitor has been picking up black-and-white video from inside the space shuttle Atlantis. The other still lets her keep an eye on her baby.


At 3:01 PM, Blogger Jane Q Doe said...

you dont believe in love or trust. wow. doesnt your girlfriend look like shit all of the sudden. what happened to you today, babe??????????

At 10:06 AM, Blogger Crazy B said...

You're a few days late aren't you? This is obviously from a "keeper of a vagina". Yes I have a girlfriend. The last time I checked this was my site. Obviously you're not intelligent enough to understand my point of my topic. I would try to explain it but you probably wouldn't understand that either. As far as my ego goes, anyone who knows me could tell you that I don't think I'm better than anyone. Actually, I think I'm the opposite. Kind of an anti-ego. Everyone has a bad day once in a while though. I don't hide behind an Anonymous title unlike you. By the way, I used I in this blog atleast 10 times. I think I'm done. Woop, there's two more. So yeah, stop hiding and tell me who you are, chicken.


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