Brad's Worlds

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Pardon

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Yesterday was a fun day. For me it started at 3:30 a.m. We had to get into wardrobe, haircut, and makeup in a hurry. We filmed on "The Pardon". This was the fastest production I've been involved with. On a lot of films background actors do a lot of hurry up and wait. I seldom had time to sit down or to take the occasional picture. Here are some pictures of other background actors and some of the cars (I was more excited to see the cars than to be in the film)

Peyton Briscoe and I.

Marvin Greer and I

Ashley Parker and I

The beautiful old La Salle. I spoke with the car wrangler about the cars. He had to have 60 cars running and ready for this movie. What a task. They kept water jugs on the running boards hidden from the camera in case any of the cars overheated.

More movie cars:


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