Brad's Worlds

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

I want it painted black

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Ugg Boot

I'm so tired of my cell phone ring. I've had several different ring tones but get tired of them very easily. What should I do? And just for me.... Adult film company New Frontier Media has something new for cell phones: ring moans. Oh baby. Push my buttons. harder. HARDER! That's it.

A Los Angeles man who sneaked into Canada in February to see his Internet girlfriend will be deported -- minus all his fingers and some of his toes because of severe frostbite suffered during a 100-hour trek from Pembina, North Dakota, across the border to Emerson, Manitoba, where he was found wandering on a golf course on Feb. 23, suffering from hypothermia. She ain't worth it. Nope, not at all.

President Fidel Castro gave Cuban women some good news on International Women's Day: rice cookers are coming to every household. Speaking of the Japanese. I was talking about Japanese wasn't I? Check out these carvings. Seems the Japanese carve wateremelons and not pumpkins. Or is it Chinese? Is there a difference between chinese and japanese? Can you tell them apart? Does anyone care? Should I go on?

A man given six months to live by his doctors has been told by an Italian court to come back in 14 months to hear the outcome of his demand for insurance damages. That dog don't hunt. It's true, 6 + 14 = 20, which is the number of fingers and toes this guy has. that's more than we can sayf for the idiot that went chasin' some woman to canada.

Prosecutors subpoena a dog in a murder case??? I can just hear it now. "Can you tell us where you saw the man hiding? Roof!!! Okay, and would you tell us, please, what he looked like? Rough!!!! When the man ran and slid down the tree, did he have anything on his clothing? Bark!!! Can you tell us anymore about the strange man? Well, he had a goatee and mustache, an earring in his left ear, and an eye patch. What else do you wanna know?

New York police have ticketed a man they say set up a table on a Brooklyn sidewalk to sell Girl Scout cookies without a license. Girl Scout cookies..... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

A judge threw out a high school student's lawsuit against mandatory summer homework, saying he and his father should have done a little more studying themselves before bringing the case. Hey idiot. You know those books you've been carrying around in your backpack all year? Those aren't to make you stronger and able to carry heavy loads, they're for reading. Looks like his father could use some high school as well. It's people like this that give white trash a bad name.

Thieves broke into an agency that serves the poor and made off with a safe. The only catch — the safe was empty.
Again, it's people like this that give white trash a bad name. I'll bet atleast one guy was named bubba.

What would you do if you had a winning lottery ticket? Barbara Lennen took her time being a multimillionaire. The mother of four carried the winning ticket for a $19.9 million Powerball jackpot in her wallet for two days after the drawing before checking the numbers. Let me get out my list. Oh here it is. "People to rob". Excuse me one second, I was just adding a name.

Florida historians have discovered a 40-year-old film clip of a clean-cut Jim Morrison that will give fans a different view of the Doors singer before his wilder days as a drug-using rock legend who drank hard and died young.


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