Brad's Worlds

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Don't Make Me Take 'em From Ya,....Cause I Will

Free Hit Counters
Ugg Boot

New Hampshire property owners are outraged at government efforts to tax them for their views of neighboring land. How crazy is that? Someone, in this case it's the Government, is always standing there holding their hand out wanting money for nothing.

Bizarre hexagon shape weather pattern is spotted on Saturn. That's right!!! My blog is out of this world.

Astronaut stuck in space for now. See what I mean?

Flaming space junk from a Russian satellite narrowly missed hitting a Chilean airliner over the Pacific Ocean. Flaming space junk? Is that a gay crackheads privates?

World's tallest man marries. Welcome to the Freak Show. Step right in.

Criminals in Texas beware: if you threaten someone in their car or office, the citizens of this state where guns are ubiquitous have the right to shoot you dead. Governor Rick Perry's office said on Tuesday that he had signed a new law that expands Texans' existing right to use deadly force to defend themselves "without retreat" in their homes, cars, and workplaces. Take that gun haters.

Energy Department fined $1 million. Great. How much will this cost me? People don't realize that when they fine something like this be it the Energy Department, Insurance companies, and so on,.... I have to pay, you have to pay, we all have to pay. Do you think the owners of the company are gonna lose out? NO WAY IN HELL!!!!

Circumcision is recommended to fight HIV. Should I have this done?????......again????

Jessica Simpson gives van to orphanage. Last fall, Simpson won a Chrysler Crossfire sports car at the MTV awards, but exchanged the $50,000 luxury car for a minivan so she could help the orphanage, Carmona said. I worked as a featured extra on her movie "Blonde Ambition" along with some of my friends. Some people said she was a total biotch. I worked for 3 days very closely with her and thought she was just as nice as any other star I've me. Luke Wilson is probably the nicest I've worked for. Very classy guy.

Just for your information... Is it hard to fall off a cruise ship? "It is so hard to fall overboard that when someone does go over the side, it's either because, sadly, it's a suicide attempt or it's because they're being incredibly foolish," said Carolyn Spencer Brown, editor of the Web site

and.....Man who fell from ship continues cruise. "Fight the good fight brother!!!" This is todays trivia question. Who says that line?

Web suicide site murders lead to death sentence. If someone doesn't want to live anymore, how do you stop something like this from happening? The easy answer that I've heard over and over is to get them help. What an easy way to answer this question without answering at all. What kind of help? How do you help someone who doesn't want help? One could say tell them about God. Well, that's all fine and dandy. My friends believe in God and Jesus and all that. It's not a religious problem and doesn't require a religious answer. My point is don't give me that other easy answer that doesn't answer the question. Do you remember the tv show MASH? What was the name of the theme song? That is todays trivia question no. 2.

LONDON (Reuters) - A man who filmed himself skiing down the longest escalator on London's underground rail network was branded "dangerous, stupid and irresponsible" Wednesday. The man hurtled down nearly 200 feet at Angel tube station with a camera strapped to his head and posted the video on the YouTube Web site. You're just jealous that you didn't do it first. I know I am.

Police who have raided vice-ridden Mexico City neighborhoods in a push against drug violence hope to take guns off the streets by offering to swap them for computers and video-game consoles. A handgun will get you an Xbox. A larger gun like a machine gun will get you a computer. Damn, why didn't the U.S. think of this? We probably have some crackheaded law against this. Another reason why this wouldn't work is that no corporate asshole would get to fill his deep greedy pockets.

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - City leaders approved a ban on plastic grocery bags after weeks of lobbying on both sides from environmentalists and a supermarket trade group. If Mayor Gavin Newsom signs the ban as expected, San Francisco would be the first U.S. city to adopt such a rule.

Today in History
193 - Roman Emperor Pertinax is assassinated by Praetorian Guards, who then sell the throne in an auction to Didius Julianus.

364 - Roman Emperor Valentinian I appoints his brother Flavius Valens co-emperor.

845 - Paris is sacked by Viking raiders, probably under Ragnar Lodbrok, who collects a huge ransom in exchange for leaving.

1776 - Juan Bautista de Anza finds the site for the Presidio of San Francisco.

1802 - Heinrich Wilhelm Matthäus Olbers discovers 2 Pallas, the second asteroid known to man.

1834 - The United States Senate censures President Andrew Jackson for his actions in defunding the Second Bank of the United States.

1854 - Crimean War: France declares war on Russia.

1910 - Henri Fabre becomes the first person to fly a seaplane after taking off from a water runway near Martigues, France.

1930 - Constantinople and Angora change their names to Istanbul and Ankara.

1964 - Good Friday Earthquake devastates Southern Alaska, parts of Canada, and the Western US.

1979 - In Pennsylvania, a pump in the reactor cooling system fails in the Three Mile Island accident, resulting in the evaporation of some contaminated water causing a nuclear meltdown.

1979 - British Prime Minister James Callaghan, is defeated by one vote in a Motion of No Confidence. This results in Parliament being dissolved in order to make way for a forthcoming General Election.

2000 - A Murray County, Georgia, school bus gets hit by a CSX freight train (3 children die from this accident).

2003 - In a "friendly fire" incident, two A-10 Thunderbolt II attack aircraft from the United States Idaho Air National Guard's 190th Fighter Squadron attacked British tanks participating in the 2003 invasion of Iraq, killing British soldier Matty Hull.

Happy Birthday:
1496 - Mary Tudor, queen consort of Louis XII of France (d. 1533)
1941 - Alf Clausen, orchestra conductor (The Simpsons) He's important!!!!
1948 - John Evan, British musician (Jethro Tull)
1948 - Milan Williams, American musician The Commodores (d. 2006)
1955 - Reba McEntire, American singer and actress
1968 - Jon Lee, British drummer (d. 2002)
1970 - Vince Vaughn, American actor
1977 - Devon, American porn actress

Deaths on this day:
1866 - Solomon Foot, American politician (b. 1802) His last name was foot. I bet his nickname was stinky as a child.
1910 - David Josiah Brewer, U.S. Supreme Court Justice (b. 1837) A relative of mine? Possibly.
1941 - Virginia Woolf, English feminist writer (b. 1882) I don't believe in feminists.
1969 - Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th President of the United States (b. 1890)


At 12:33 PM, Blogger Penny said...

don't know quote, but the MASH song is "Suicide is Painless." The movie version is way better than the TV theme.

BTW, I think suicidal tendencies are ALWAYS spiritual problems (notice I didn't say religious). There is all the difference in the world. "Religion" to me is a facade.

At 1:34 PM, Blogger Crazy B said...

Good going sisters. You're the only ones who commented so far. Penn I agree wit ya 100%. And mitspah, I'll have my people call his people to call your people.

At 3:46 PM, Blogger Penny said...

But Mits, you get credit for the asterisks.


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