Brad's Worlds

Friday, March 23, 2007

It's Friday, blahahahahahahaha

Free Hit Counters
Ugg Boot

France became the first country to open its files on UFOs Thursday when the national space agency unveiled a website documenting more than 1,600 sightings spanning five decades.

Houdini poisoned? Kin wants exhumation.

New "landmark" research finds that alcohol and tobacco are more dangerous than some illegal drugs like marijuana or Ecstasy and should be classified as such in legal systems, according to a new British study. They're calling this new research? Look at the simple statistics.

New Jersey thieves snatch $12,000 in underwear. I hope it was all used underwear. That would be hilarious.

Representatives of Marlon Brando's estate are suing two furniture companies and a retailer over the sale of a home theater chair called "The Brando." C'mon. Some people are so money hungry. I'm sure Marlon Brando's estate has enough money, why not let someone call a chair the Brando. Is Marlon the only Brando left in the world? I doubt it.

A new biography of Ingrid Bergman casts fresh light on the making of the 1942 classic "Casablanca," in which none of its three stars wanted to appear. They never suspected that their roles would become the best-remembered of their careers. Great movie. And Bogart never said "Play it again Sam" in that movie.

The Who resumed its North American tour after lead singer Roger Daltrey returned from a near-weeklong bout with bronchitis. The Who Rock!!!!

Arkansas students' balloon lands in N.C. I'm surprised he didn't get charged with littering.

A hundred residents of a Russian village have refused to switch to new passports because they believe the documents' bar codes contain satanic symbols, state television reported Wednesday.

A hapless German thief snapped his credit card in two while prying open a lock, inadvertently leaving behind his name and account details for police. I would've just said that I was trying to swipe my card and it broke. Seriously, I thought the lock was an atm. Then you have to act dumb and be wide eyed.

South African police said Thursday they had impounded 11 old cars after receiving complaints that giant rats nesting in the vehicles were attacking pedestrians.

A Japanese man angry that a new apartment building put his house in the shade was arrested after shooting about a dozen bullets at it with a competition rifle. I didn't know they could own guns. I shoot biwding out of ray. Get out of here biwding.

Four Albanian teachers have been censured for drunken and lewd behaviour in a remote village school after they had sexual intercourse behind a classroom blackboard. Four of them? Freaky teachers rule.....

A religious order in Spain has banned two women from carrying shrines during Easter week to prevent any "uncomfortable" brush with the opposite sex under cover of the massive floats. Oh please. Get a life!!!

A 20-year-old man received probation after he was convicted of having sexual contact with a dead deer. The sentence also requires Bryan James Hathaway to be evaluated as a sex offender and treated at the Institute for Psychological and Sexual Health in Duluth, Minn. This is why prostitution should be legal. Yes children, I said a Dead Deer. That's one sick nut. hhhahahahaha nut.

A Rhode Island woman who routinely had sex with her boyfriend in front of her 9-year-old daughter to teach her about sex was sentenced to three years' probation, authorities said Tuesday. She should get together with dead deer lover and see what kind of freakiness would go on then.

A man who knocked down an 82-year-old woman and tried to snatch her purse, ran away with nothing after she refused to give it up. She is my HERO OF THE DAY!!!!! You rock Grandma!!!

Mel Gibson says 'Lady, F**k off!' after harsh questioning about Apocolypto. Awww, this movie hurt her feelings. Isn't this freedom of expression, the movie and what he told her? He also told her to go make your own movie. You rock Mel.

Man commits suicide on live webcam... That just saves more oxygen for the rest of us.

752 - Stephen is elected Pope. He died three days later, before being ordained bishop, and is not considered a legitimate pope. Pope? Nope!

1775 - American Revolutionary War: Patrick Henry delivers his famous speech -"give me liberty or give me death" at St. John's Church in Richmond, Virginia. Say that nowadays and you'll probably get shot on the spot.

1801 - Tsar Paul I of Russia is struck with a sword, then strangled, and finally trampled to death in his bedroom at St. Michael's Castle. You'd think after the stabbing and strangulation that maybe he just isn't supposed to die today.

1806 - After traveling through the Louisiana Purchase and reaching the Pacific Ocean, explorers Lewis and Clark and their "Corps of Discovery" begin their arduous journey home.

1839 - First recorded use of "OK" as an abbreviation for "oll korrect" in the Boston Morning Post.

1857 - Elisha Otis's first elevator is installed at 488 Broadway New York City.

1889 - Land run: President Benjamin Harrison opens Oklahoma to white settlement starting on April 22.

1889 - The free Woolwich Ferry officially opens in east London.

1896 - The Raines Law is passed by the New York State Legislature, restricting Sunday sale of alcohol to hotels. What happened to the whole separation of church and state.

1903 - The Wright Brothers apply for a patent on their invention of one of the first successful airplanes.

1909 - Theodore Roosevelt leaves New York for a post-presidency safari in Africa. The trip is sponsored by the Smithsonian Institution and National Geographic Society.

1919 - In Milan, Italy, Benito Mussolini founds his Fascist political movement.

1931 - Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev embrace the gallows during the Indian struggle for independence. Their request to be shot by a firing squad is refused. Save that bullet soldier! Hangin' is free.

1933 - The Reichstag passes the Enabling act of 1933, making Adolf Hitler dictator of Germany.

1965 - NASA launches Gemini 3, the United States' first two-man space flight (crew: Gus Grissom and John Young).

1994 - At an election rally in Tijuana, Mexican presidential candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio is assassinated by Mario Aburto Martínez.

1994 - Aeroflot Flight 593 crashes in Siberia when the pilot's fifteen-year old son accidentally disengages the autopilot, killing 75. Keep yo hands off!!!

1999 - Gunmen assassinate Paraguay's Vice President Luis María Argaña.

2001 - The Russian Mir space station is disposed of, breaking up in the atmosphere before falling into the southern Pacific Ocean near Fiji.

2007 - Burnley Tunnel catastrophe occurs in Melbourne Australia. Very short history on this one.

1429 - Margaret of Anjou, wife of Henry VI of England (d. 1482)
1887 - Prince Felix Yussupov, Russian assassin of Rasputin (d. 1967)
1905 - Joan Crawford, American actress (d. 1977)
1915 - Vasily Zaitsev, Russian World War II hero (d. 1991)
1921 - Donald Campbell, British car and motorboat racer (d. 1967)
1933 - Philip Zimbardo, American psychologist, known for the Stanford prison experiment
1953 - Chaka Khan, American singer Chaka Khan everybody, everybody Chaka Khan


At 2:32 AM, Blogger Penny said...

Huh huh huh ...
They snatched underwear.
Huh huh huh...


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