Brad's Worlds

Friday, March 09, 2007

I Need A Stiff Drink

Free Hit Counters
Ugg Boot

This has been one of those weeks when you just wanted to mail yourself a mail bomb and act surprised that someone thought enough of you to send you a package. I'm so glad it's friday. I'm in a FTW kind of mood which I hate but it always seems I get more accomplished like that.

Here's just one of the many reasons for my FTW mood. I got my gas bill in a few days ago. I thought hmm another gas bill. I stupidly thought it would be about the same as every month before. When I opened it the bill was over 4 times that amount. I called the gas company. They sounded as surprised as I was. Big shock there. They said they'd rush someone over to read my meter again. So the meter reader has to call and get directions to my house. Wait a minute, don't you read my meter every month? Find it yourself, punk. As it turns out, the meter was correct and the jackass(es) that read it for the past few months were smoking crack and misread it. It's okay though. They gave me 5 whole days to come up with the money. So I've decided to put a piece of wood over my meter where it will have to be removed to read the meter. That way, I'll know when they read it and can check it myself. FU gas company.

In The News:
Eddie Van Halen says he'll enter Rehab......

Prison threat for man who put sand -- back on beach... You should read this one. I thank God daily that I'm not in the position to judge what people can do. What a waste of time and more importantly, thought.

Courtney Love blah blah blah blah...Nobody cares.

DISCOVERY Buries 'Lost Tomb' of Christ... So much for a free country.

946 Billionaires On Earth... And I'm not on the list yet.

The ethical dilemmas of robotics... As these robots become more intelligent, it will become harder to decide who is responsible if they injure someone. Is the designer to blame, or the user, or the robot itself? The programmer!!!!!

Salma Hayek is Gorgeous. I mean, uh, Salma Hayek is engaged, and...........................pregnant!!!! She called this morning to let me know that the baby was not, in fact, mine after all. Whew!!!

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was having an extramarital affair even as he led the charge against President Clinton over the Monica Lewinsky affair, he acknowledged in an interview with a conservative Christian group. It all comes back around doesn't it. You've earned it Newt. Isn't a newt a salamander?

German man chainsaws in two in divorce split. Good for you Mr. man. You're my new hero of the day.

Today in History:
1497 Nicolaus Copernicus 1st recorded astronomical observation

1562 Kissing in public banned in Naples (punishable by death)

1566 - David Rizzio, the private secretary to Mary I of Scotland, is murdered in the Palace of Holyroodhouse, Edinburgh, Scotland.

1697 Czar Peter the Great begins tour of West-Europe. I wonder if they had crowd surfing back then????

1721 English Chancellor Exchequer John Aislabie confined in London Tower

1765 - After a public campaign by the writer Voltaire, judges in Paris posthumously exonerate Jean Calas of murdering his son. Calas had been tortured and executed in 1762 on the charge, though his son had actually committed suicide.

1791 George Hayward, Us, surgeon, 1st to use ether

1796 - Napoléon Bonaparte marries his first wife, Joséphine de Beauharnais.

1822 Charles M Graham of New York patents artificial teeth

1841 - The Supreme Court of the United States rules in the Amistad case, concerning captive Africans who seized control of the slave-trading ship carrying them: the court rules that they had been taken into slavery illegally. It was a good movie too.

1858 Albert Potts of Philadelphia patents the street mailbox

1861 Confederate currency authorized-$50, $100, $500, $1,000

1862 - American Civil War: The first battle between two ironclad warships, a five-hour battle near Hampton Roads, Virginia between the USS Monitor and the CSS Virginia, results in a draw. Dang it, I'm all outta b.b.'s.

1864 Ulysses S Grant is appointed commander of Union Army. Just 100 years before anyone knew of the Beatles.

1868 The opera "Hamlet" premieres in Paris France

1932 - The first Ford Flathead engine leaves the assembly line at Ford Motor Company. So, was it built "Ford Tough" back then too?

1935 - Hitler announces the creation of a new air force.

1936 Babe Ruth turns down Reds to make a comeback as a player

1945 - World War II: Bombing of Tokyo - American B-29 bombers attack Tokyo, Japan with incendiary bombs. The resulting fire storm kills over 100,000 people. 100,000. That's 33.6 times the number of people killed in the September 11 Attacks. Here's an interesting fact. When the lights go out in America we all say crap the lights went out. When the lights go out in Japan they have a certain saying about Americans that is none too polite.

1953 Josef Stalin buried in Moscow

1956 Weather forecasting phone line set up in London England

1959 - The Barbie doll debuts.

1959 1st known radar contact is made with Venus

1961 1st animal returned from space, dog named Blackie aboard Sputnik 9

1963 Beatles began 1st British tour, supporting Tommy Roe & Chris Montez

1964 - The first Ford Mustang rolls off the assembly line at Ford Motor Company.

1966 - Ronnie Kray murders George Cornell in the Blind Beggar pub.

1967 - Josef Stalin's daughter Svetlana Alliluyeva defects to the United States.

1974 Last Japanese soldier, a guerrilla operating in Philippines, surrenders, 29 years after World War II ended

1976 - Forty-two people die in a Cavalese cable-car disaster, the worst cable-car accident to date.

1981 - Dan Rather succeeds Walter Cronkite as the anchorman of The CBS Evening News.

1984 John Lennon's "Borrowed Time" is released

1986 - United States Navy divers find the largely intact but heavily-damaged crew compartment of the Space Shuttle Challenger. The bodies of all seven astronauts were still inside.

1987 - Rock band U2 release the album The Joshua Tree.

1991 - Massive demonstrations are held against Slobodan Milošević in Belgrade. Two people are killed and tanks are in the streets.

1993 - Rodney King testifies at the federal trial of four Los Angeles, California police officers accused of violating King's civil rights when they beat him during an arrest. So, in this video that the public sees, do they ever show the part where he's pulled over, where he fights the cops? Where they try to subdue him with a stun gun several times? No!!!! The public sees what the press wants the public to see. Rodney King in court says he "thinks" he heard cops yell racial slurs

1997 - Rapper The Notorious B.I.G. is shot and killed in Los Angeles. What did he sing? Didn't he sing Hold On to the Night? Or was that Richard Marks. Eh, pretty much the same.

2005 - Dan Rather presents his final broadcast of the CBS Evening News. They asked him to do one more show but he said "I'd Rather not."

Happy Birthday:
1454 - Amerigo Vespucci, Italian explorer and cartographer (d. 1512) That first name looks a little familiar. Did you know that America was named after him? Don't believe me? Read this.

1890 - Vyacheslav Molotov, Russian politician (d. 1986) Didn't he have an explosive drink named after him?

1933 - Lloyd Price, American singer. "Lawdy Miss Clawdy"

1934 - Yuri Gagarin, Soviet cosmonaut (d. 1968) So,...people who go into outer space from Russia are called Cosmonauts because of the cosmos, Americans who go into outer space are called Astronauts because of their asses? Just an observation.

1936 - Mickey Gilley, American musician and singer

1940 - Raúl Juliá, Puerto Rican actor (d. 1994) I miss that dude.

1942 - Mark Lindsay, American singer/musician (Paul Revere & The Raiders)

1945 - Dennis Rader, American serial killer

1968 - Johnny Kelly, American drummer (Type O Negative)

1971 - Emmanuel Lewis, American actor

Deaths on this day:
1996 - George Burns, American actor and singer (b. 1896)

2005 - Chris LeDoux, American Country singer (b. 1948)


At 11:55 AM, Blogger Jane Q Doe said...

i love how the courtney love blah blah blah nobody cares actually made it on to your site.


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