Toughts that Inspire.
Ugg Boot

I miss how Halloween was when I was a kid. It was the most fun. We had a dress up day at school followed by a school carnival with a cake walk and tons of games. That night we'd go Trick or Treating around the neighborhood. Then everyone started saying that it was satanic. We never had anything bad at Halloween. We didn't torture anyone, steal, destroy, or sacrifice any virgins. We just got creative with costumes and went to see our neighbors. To those people who took away a very fun part of my childhood, you should be stoned in the street. I have no problem with religion at all but when these preachers arrive from nowhere with their religious revolution ideas, I have a problem with that. I celebrate Halloween, my children will celebrate Halloween, and will until my dying day. The only holiday I celebrate more is Christmas. If you're offended by this, you have a problem.
Driver gets 70 speeding tickets in 5 months. That's one ticket every other day. Did they not realize they were stopping the same person?
We interupt todays edition to bring you this special Far Side moment.

Thank you. We will now return to todays episode.
Today in History:
1040 - King Duncan I of Scotland is killed in battle against his cousin and successor Macbeth.

1248 Construction of Cologne Cathedral begun
1457 Oldest known exactly dated printed book (c 3 years after Gutenberg)
1765 Mass colonists challenge British rule by an Elm (Liberty Tree)
1846 - The Cape Girardeau meteorite, a 2.3 kg chondrite-type meteorite strikes near the town of Cape Girardeau in Cape Girardeau County, Missouri.
1862 Lincoln receives 1st group of blacks to confer with US president
1880 - Cologne Cathedral, the most famous landmark in Cologne, Germany, completed. (632 years?)
1885 - Japan's first patent is issued to the inventor of a rust-proof paint.
1893 France issues 1st driving licenses, included required test
1893 - France introduces motor vehicle registration.
1901 - The first claimed powered flight, by Gustave Whitehead in his Number 21.
1935 Social Security Act became law

1936 - Rainey Bethea is hanged in Owensboro, Kentucky in the last public execution in the United States.
1945 V-J Day; Japan surrenders unconditionally to end WW II
1958 KLM Superconstellation crashes west of Ireland, killing 99
1962 US mail truck in Plymouth, Mass robbed of more than $1.5 million
1965 Beatles tape an appearance for the Ed Sullivan Show
1966 1st US lunar orbiter begins orbiting the Moon
1972 - An East German Ilyushin Il-62 crashes during takeoff from East Berlin, killing 156.
1974 Congress authorizes US citizens to own gold
1979 Rainbow seen in Northern Wales for a 3 hour duration
2005 - Helios Airways Flight 522 crashes north of Athens, killing the 121 on board.
Happy Birthday:
1586 - William Hutchinson, Rhode Island colonist (d. 1642)
1851 - Doc Holliday, American gambler (d. 1887)
1903 John Ringling North circus director
1941 - David Crosby, American musician (Crosby, Stills & Nash-Southern Cross)
1941 - Connie Smith, American singer
1944 Robyn Smith Astaire jockey/wife of Fred Astaire
1945 Steve Martin Waco Tx, comedian (The Jerk, Man With 2 Brains)
1946 - Larry Graham, American musician (Sly & the Family Stone)
1947 - Danielle Steel, American novelist
1966 - Halle Berry, American actress
1936 Rainey Bethea hung, last US public execution
1951 William Randolph Hearst newspaper publisher, dies in Beverly Hills
1958 Gladys L Presley mom of Elvis, dies at 46
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