Brad's Worlds

Friday, July 28, 2006

What's Goin' On

Free Hit Counters
Ugg Boot

* Jamie Fox and Colin Farrell heat it up in Miami Vice. By the looks of what Jamie Fox is doing with his hand, it got really heated. Colin, you had your turn. I'm next.

* Albanian police were speechless when around 30 Scandinavian women went topless, shocking local bathers and causing an uproar in an Albanian beach resort.

* A British woman has been ordered by police to take down a sign on her garden gate which read "Our dogs are fed on Jehovah's Witnesses." You're British, you can't have an opinion.

* It started as an April Fool's joke but an Irish bookmaker's proposal to hold the world's biggest strip poker contest will become reality next month.

* 'Harry Potter' actor to be naked on stage. Will we get to see his wand? blahahahahahaha

* CBS appeals fine for Janet Jackson breast flashing. I want my freedom back on tv. Thank you Janet Jackson.

* Station changes format from God to sex. I never thought I'd put God and Sex in the same sentence.

Happy Birthday:
1907 Earl S Tupper invented Tupperware
1929 Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Kennedy Onassis 1st lady (1961-63)
1945 Jim Davis cartoonist (Garfield)
1945 Richard Wright rocker (Pink Floyd-The Wall)

We miss you:
1540 Thomas Cromwell King Henry VIII's chief minister, executed
1750 Johann Sebastian Bach German composer (Art of the Fugue), dies at 65
1794 Maximilien Robespierre Fr revolutionary/avocat (1781), guillotined

Today in History (that I think's interesting):
1540 - Thomas Cromwell, is executed on order from Henry VIII of England on charges of treason. Henry marries his fifth wife, Catherine Howard, on the same day.
1586 Sir Thomas Harriot introduces potatoes to Europe
1588 Spanish Armada sails to overthrow England's Queen Elizabeth I
1794 - Maximilien Robespierre is guillotined in front of a cheering crowd, for sending thousands of others to a similar fate during the French Revolution.
1851 Total solar eclipse captured on a daguerreotype photograph
1866 Metric system becomes a legal measurement system in US
1896 City of Miami incorporated
1898 Start of Sherlock Holmes "Adventure of the Retired Colourman"(BG)
1900 Hamburger created by Louis Lassing in Connecticut
1914 Foxtrot 1st danced at New Amsterdam Roof Garden (NYC, by Harry Fox)
1914 - World War I begins: Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia after it failed to meet the conditions of an ultimatum it set on July 23 following the killing of Archduke Francis Ferdinand by a Serbian assassin. This event leads to the outbreak of war.
1931 Congress makes "The Star-Spangled Banner" our 2nd national anthem
1933 1st singing telegram delivered (to Rudy Vallee), NYC
1942 Nazis liquidate 10,000 Jews in Minsk Russia . Yes I said liquidate. Sad, very sad.
1942 - World War II: USSR leader Joseph Stalin issues Order No. 227 in response to alarming German advances into Russia. Under the order all those who retreat or otherwise leave their positions without orders to do so will be immediately killed.
1943 Pres FDR announces end of coffee rationing in US
1945 - A US Army B-25 bomber accidentally crashes into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building killing 14 injuring 26.
1951 Walt Disney's "Alice In Wonderland" released
1962 Mariner I launched to Mars falls into Atlantic Ocean
1973 Skylab 3's astronauts (Bean, Garriott & Lousma) launched
1986 NASA releases transcript from doomed Challenger, pilot Michael Smith
could be heard saying, "Uh-oh!" as spacecraft disintegrated
1998 - Monica Lewinsky scandal: Ex-White House intern, Monica Lewinsky receives transactional immunity in exchange for her grand jury testimony concerning her relationship with US President Bill Clinton.
2061 31st recorded perihelion passage of Halley's Comet


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