Liberty, London, and Grass
Ugg Boot

Tourists won't be climbing back up to the Statue of Liberty's crown. That's the word from the National Park Service to lawmakers, some of whom have been fighting to reopen the crown following the 2001 terror attacks. Why do punks like this screw up everyones fun? I'd like to kick 'em in their shins. I'm bad. Word! hahahahahaha.
Spanish police have arrested four Frenchmen for jumping in front of cars on a busy road so that they could film them and post the footage on the Internet. Relatively rare in Spain, a youth craze known as "happy slapping" took off in Britain last year, in which groups of teenagers slapped or mugged strangers while filming the victims' reaction on camera phones. The images were then sent to friends or posted on Web sites. Dumb. Hopefully, I can find the link to their footage.
A man charged with robbing a 7-Eleven might have avoided capture if he'd spent some of the loot at a nearby gas station. Dumber. I can just hear it now. "I'm getting away with it. You'll never catch.....What the? ...........damn!"

A Brazilian man died Tuesday when he tried to open what police believe was a rocket-propelled grenade with a sledgehammer in a mechanical workshop on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. Dumbester. Granted, this is not a rocket propelled grenade but it's Pac Man. How cool is that?
A jet owned by leading Brazilian airline TAM landed safely on Tuesday after one of its doors fell off and crashed to earth next to a supermarket shortly after departure from Sao Paulo. Strangely enough, on the radio you could hear "The End" by the Doors. What are the odds on that? (okay I made the part about the radio up)
Italy's government plans to clamp down on broadcasters turning up the volume when they show advertisements in order to get viewers' attention. Thank you Tivo. Now I don't have to watch stupid commercials.
Some sperm donation clinics invite men to leave a message behind for their unborn child to hear when they are 18. What would you say? Please give me your ideas so when I donate, and donate, and donate,...... I'll have a good thought to leave behind. My first thought was ..... "Whew, that was fun."
Robot shopping carts? It looks almost like any other shopping cart, except sensors allow it to follow the shopper around the supermarket and slow down when needed so items can be placed in it, and it never crashes into anyone's heels. I want a robot like Richie Rich had.
I'd like to make a personal withdrawl. hahahaha. An 85-year-old woman was found in the vault of a Swiss bank when she set off motion detectors hours after the bank was already closed. tap tap tap "I think I went into the wrong door!"
Malaysian thieves used a net and rope to haul an ATM cash dispenser through a glass wall and down a flight of stairs, only to discover they had grabbed a cheque deposit machine by mistake. Doh!!! Why are criminals so stoopid sometimes? They put enough thought into it to get a net, a rop, a vehicle to pull the machine through a wall and down stairs. Don't you think they would check to see if it was cheque deposit machine?
Mayor Mike Dixon posted a sign on the fence around his overgrown lawn. "There are more important things in life than tall grass," it reads. Dixon hasn't mowed his lawn since last year, and has declined offers from neighbors to cut the grass. You show 'em. I think there's a typo there. I think his real name is Dison. My yard needs mowing badly. If anyone volunteers to mow my grass, I surely won't turn you down.

Thieves apparently under the influence of alcohol stole six U-Haul moving trucks and went on some destructive Mojave Desert joyrides. Oh they hauled it alright. They hauled ass. hahahaha
Today in History:
1519 Magellan's 5 ship set sail to circumnavigate the Earth

1776 - Word of the United States Declaration of Independence reaches London.
1790 Robert Gray's Columbia, completes 1st American around world voyage
1792 - French Revolution: Storming of the Tuileries Palace. Louis XVI of France is arrested and taken into custody.
1833 Chicago incorporates as a village of about 200
1846 Congress charters the "nation's attic," the Smithsonian Institution
1866 Transatlantic cable laid - Former Pres Buchanan communicates over it to Queen Victoria
1885 Leo Daft opens America's 1st coml operated electric streetcar (Balt)
1911 Parliament Act reduces power of House of Lords

1921 FDR stricken with polio at summer home on Canadian Is of Campobello. If you haven't seen the movie "Warm Springs" you should check it out. It's about FDR's struggle with Polio. It comes on HBO about 7 times a day.
1932 - A 5.1-kg (11.2-pound) chondrite-type meteorite breaks into at least seven pieces and lands near the town of Archie in Cass County, Missouri.
1945 Japan announces willingness to surrender to Allies provided the status of Emperor Hirohito remained unchanged
1960 Discoverer 13 launched into orbit; returned 1st object from space
1966 Daylight meteor seen from Utah to Canada. Only known case of a meteor entering the Earth's atmosphere & leaving it again
1969 - A day after murdering Sharon Tate and four others, members of Charles Manson's cult kill Leno and Rosemary LaBianca.
1977 - In Yonkers, New York, 24-year-old postal employee David Berkowitz ("Son of Sam") is arrested for a series of killings in the New York City area over a year's period.

1979 Wings release "Getting Closer" & "Baby's Request"
1981 The Richard Nixon Museum in San Clemente closes
1981 - The head of John Walsh's son Adam is found in Hollywood, Florida. This event will later prompt the U.S. Congress to pass the Missing Children's Act, giving the Federal Bureau of Investigation greater authority to track the disappearance of children. It also makes Walsh a national spokesman against crime and eventually leads to the establishment of America's Most Wanted.

1985 Michael Jackson buys ATV Music (every Beatle songs) for $47« million. C'mon Michael, atleast offer his music back to him. Wait until his divorce is final though. We don't want the hooker getting his music too.
1990 - The Magellan space probe reaches Venus. They were gonna send a probe to Uranus but sending a probe to Uranus sounded too perverted. blahahahahahahahahahahahaha woooo blahahahahahahahahahaa
1995 - Oklahoma City bombing: Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols are indicted for the bombing. Michael Fortier pleads guilty in a plea-bargain agreement for his testimony.
2003 - Yuri Ivanovich Malenchenko became the first person to marry in space.
2003 - The American television series Futurama ends
2005 - Lee Seung Seop dies from exhaustion in South Korea after playing the computer game StarCraft continuously for 49 hours. I didn't make this up.
2006 - Scotland Yard disrupts major terrorist plot to destroy aircraft travelling from the United Kingdom to the United States in mid-air. Shoot them where they stand. Don't let 'em talk. Don't let 'em call anyone. Just shoot 'em. .....and I'm a passifist.
Happy Birthday:
1874 - Herbert Hoover, President of the United States (d. 1964)

1909 - Leo Fender, American luthier (d. 1991)
1928 - Jimmy Dean, Tx, actor/singer (Jimmy Dean Show, Diamonds are Forever)
1940 - Bobby Hatfield, American singer (Righteous Brothers) (d. 2003)
1943 - Jimmy Griffin, American guitarist (Bread) (d. 2005)
1947 - Ian Anderson, Scottish musician (Jethro Tull)Bungle in the Jungle
1959 - Rosanna Arquette, American model and actress
1960 - Antonio Banderas, Spanish actor
1759 - King Ferdinand VI of Spain (b. 1713)
1784 - Allan Ramsay, Scottish raper (b. 1713) I didn't know they had rap music back then...
1945 - Robert Goddard, American rocket scientist (b. 1882)
1969 - Leno LaBianca, American businessman (murdered) (b. 1925) I thought 1969 was the summer of love.
1969 - Rosemary LaBianca, American housewife (murdered) (b. 1930) Ditto.
2002 - Michael Houser, American guitarist (Widespread Panic) (b. 1962)
Spanish police have arrested four Frenchmen for jumping in front of cars on a busy road so that they could film them and post the footage on the Internet. Relatively rare in Spain, a youth craze known as "happy slapping" took off in Britain last year, in which groups of teenagers slapped or mugged strangers while filming the victims' reaction on camera phones. The images were then sent to friends or posted on Web sites. Dumb. Hopefully, I can find the link to their footage.
A man charged with robbing a 7-Eleven might have avoided capture if he'd spent some of the loot at a nearby gas station. Dumber. I can just hear it now. "I'm getting away with it. You'll never catch.....What the? ...........damn!"

A Brazilian man died Tuesday when he tried to open what police believe was a rocket-propelled grenade with a sledgehammer in a mechanical workshop on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. Dumbester. Granted, this is not a rocket propelled grenade but it's Pac Man. How cool is that?
A jet owned by leading Brazilian airline TAM landed safely on Tuesday after one of its doors fell off and crashed to earth next to a supermarket shortly after departure from Sao Paulo. Strangely enough, on the radio you could hear "The End" by the Doors. What are the odds on that? (okay I made the part about the radio up)
Italy's government plans to clamp down on broadcasters turning up the volume when they show advertisements in order to get viewers' attention. Thank you Tivo. Now I don't have to watch stupid commercials.
Some sperm donation clinics invite men to leave a message behind for their unborn child to hear when they are 18. What would you say? Please give me your ideas so when I donate, and donate, and donate,...... I'll have a good thought to leave behind. My first thought was ..... "Whew, that was fun."
Robot shopping carts? It looks almost like any other shopping cart, except sensors allow it to follow the shopper around the supermarket and slow down when needed so items can be placed in it, and it never crashes into anyone's heels. I want a robot like Richie Rich had.
I'd like to make a personal withdrawl. hahahaha. An 85-year-old woman was found in the vault of a Swiss bank when she set off motion detectors hours after the bank was already closed. tap tap tap "I think I went into the wrong door!"
Malaysian thieves used a net and rope to haul an ATM cash dispenser through a glass wall and down a flight of stairs, only to discover they had grabbed a cheque deposit machine by mistake. Doh!!! Why are criminals so stoopid sometimes? They put enough thought into it to get a net, a rop, a vehicle to pull the machine through a wall and down stairs. Don't you think they would check to see if it was cheque deposit machine?
Mayor Mike Dixon posted a sign on the fence around his overgrown lawn. "There are more important things in life than tall grass," it reads. Dixon hasn't mowed his lawn since last year, and has declined offers from neighbors to cut the grass. You show 'em. I think there's a typo there. I think his real name is Dison. My yard needs mowing badly. If anyone volunteers to mow my grass, I surely won't turn you down.

Thieves apparently under the influence of alcohol stole six U-Haul moving trucks and went on some destructive Mojave Desert joyrides. Oh they hauled it alright. They hauled ass. hahahaha
Today in History:
1519 Magellan's 5 ship set sail to circumnavigate the Earth

1776 - Word of the United States Declaration of Independence reaches London.
1790 Robert Gray's Columbia, completes 1st American around world voyage
1792 - French Revolution: Storming of the Tuileries Palace. Louis XVI of France is arrested and taken into custody.
1833 Chicago incorporates as a village of about 200
1846 Congress charters the "nation's attic," the Smithsonian Institution
1866 Transatlantic cable laid - Former Pres Buchanan communicates over it to Queen Victoria
1885 Leo Daft opens America's 1st coml operated electric streetcar (Balt)
1911 Parliament Act reduces power of House of Lords

1921 FDR stricken with polio at summer home on Canadian Is of Campobello. If you haven't seen the movie "Warm Springs" you should check it out. It's about FDR's struggle with Polio. It comes on HBO about 7 times a day.
1932 - A 5.1-kg (11.2-pound) chondrite-type meteorite breaks into at least seven pieces and lands near the town of Archie in Cass County, Missouri.
1945 Japan announces willingness to surrender to Allies provided the status of Emperor Hirohito remained unchanged
1960 Discoverer 13 launched into orbit; returned 1st object from space
1966 Daylight meteor seen from Utah to Canada. Only known case of a meteor entering the Earth's atmosphere & leaving it again
1969 - A day after murdering Sharon Tate and four others, members of Charles Manson's cult kill Leno and Rosemary LaBianca.
1977 - In Yonkers, New York, 24-year-old postal employee David Berkowitz ("Son of Sam") is arrested for a series of killings in the New York City area over a year's period.

1979 Wings release "Getting Closer" & "Baby's Request"
1981 The Richard Nixon Museum in San Clemente closes
1981 - The head of John Walsh's son Adam is found in Hollywood, Florida. This event will later prompt the U.S. Congress to pass the Missing Children's Act, giving the Federal Bureau of Investigation greater authority to track the disappearance of children. It also makes Walsh a national spokesman against crime and eventually leads to the establishment of America's Most Wanted.

1985 Michael Jackson buys ATV Music (every Beatle songs) for $47« million. C'mon Michael, atleast offer his music back to him. Wait until his divorce is final though. We don't want the hooker getting his music too.
1990 - The Magellan space probe reaches Venus. They were gonna send a probe to Uranus but sending a probe to Uranus sounded too perverted. blahahahahahahahahahahahaha woooo blahahahahahahahahahaa
1995 - Oklahoma City bombing: Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols are indicted for the bombing. Michael Fortier pleads guilty in a plea-bargain agreement for his testimony.
2003 - Yuri Ivanovich Malenchenko became the first person to marry in space.
2003 - The American television series Futurama ends
2005 - Lee Seung Seop dies from exhaustion in South Korea after playing the computer game StarCraft continuously for 49 hours. I didn't make this up.
2006 - Scotland Yard disrupts major terrorist plot to destroy aircraft travelling from the United Kingdom to the United States in mid-air. Shoot them where they stand. Don't let 'em talk. Don't let 'em call anyone. Just shoot 'em. .....and I'm a passifist.
Happy Birthday:
1874 - Herbert Hoover, President of the United States (d. 1964)

1909 - Leo Fender, American luthier (d. 1991)
1928 - Jimmy Dean, Tx, actor/singer (Jimmy Dean Show, Diamonds are Forever)
1940 - Bobby Hatfield, American singer (Righteous Brothers) (d. 2003)
1943 - Jimmy Griffin, American guitarist (Bread) (d. 2005)
1947 - Ian Anderson, Scottish musician (Jethro Tull)Bungle in the Jungle
1959 - Rosanna Arquette, American model and actress
1960 - Antonio Banderas, Spanish actor
1759 - King Ferdinand VI of Spain (b. 1713)
1784 - Allan Ramsay, Scottish raper (b. 1713) I didn't know they had rap music back then...
1945 - Robert Goddard, American rocket scientist (b. 1882)
1969 - Leno LaBianca, American businessman (murdered) (b. 1925) I thought 1969 was the summer of love.
1969 - Rosemary LaBianca, American housewife (murdered) (b. 1930) Ditto.
2002 - Michael Houser, American guitarist (Widespread Panic) (b. 1962)
About the idiots who walk out into traffic--I've had that happen to me several times while we were living in Mississippi. I would've run over the bastards if I hadn't meant spending so much time in court.
About the sperm donor's message--"Hey Spunky, I love you, you little squirt. P.S. Your "mom" is Miss December 1989."
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