Brad's Worlds

Friday, August 04, 2006

Fireballs, Crosses, and Killer Fish

Free Hit Counters
Ugg Boot

* The BBC has been urged to pull a 'sick' new comedy show which features spoof news reports of Tony Blair being assassinated and a 9/11-style video of terrorists crashing an airliner into the Houses of Parliament.

* A fireball seen streaking through the sky in Lakeway, Texas, "turned night to day," according to a police officer who witnessed the event. Watch it here. Did you see the new "the War of the Worlds"? It makes you think doesn't it.

* Angler speared by a giant fish. Oh man. You must read this one!

* U.S. scientists say they've determined Earth's gravity changed as a result of the giant 2004 Sumatran earthquake.
* Madonna's plans to stage a mock crucifixion during a Sunday concert in Rome have drawn fire from religious leaders, who have condemned the stunt as "an act of open hostility" toward the Roman Catholic Church. Is this offensive to you? Of all the things in this world that are offensive, this makes news? How about all the hungry people in every town? What about the children with parents who are addicted to drugs and alcohol? A theatrical performance? who cares.

* Gamblers raked in nearly half a million dollars over two days on a slot machine that multiplied by 10 the amount of money that players put in. Caesars Indiana lost $487,000 before a player notified officials of the problem with the machine. Luckily, they earned the $487,000 back within the hour.

* Do you know what gives me the red ass??? (I hate that expression by they way) A woman who became stuck to a toilet seat in a shopping mall restroom was treated at a local hospital after paramedics used fingernail polish remover to free her.

"Where did you find that picture?!!!!!"

* Sen. Clinton says Rumsfeld should resign. Sen. Crazy B of the United States of Free Will says Sen. Clinton should resign. I don't get it. It seems that everyone in politics wants to find anything on anyone to get F@#$ up their lives. Whatever happened to "for the good of the people". I keep forgetting that we don't live on the starship Enterprise.

* Snow fell on South Africa's biggest city Johannesburg for the first time in 25 years as icy temperatures gripped vast swathes of the country.

Interesting Facts:

The highest temperature recorded anywhere on Earth was in Aziziyah, Libya, in September of 1922 – 136 degrees Fahrenheit.

The highest temperature recorded in the United States was in Death Valley, Calif., in July of 1913 – 134 degrees Fahrenheit.

Today in History:

70 - The destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem by the Romans
1181 Supernova seen in Cassiopia
1578 - King Sebastian I disappeared in the Battle of Alcácer Quibir, leading to a dynastic crisis in Portugal.
1693 Dom Perignon invents champagne . Now that name makes sense to me.
1704 - During the War of the Spanish Succession an Anglo-Dutch force seizes the rock of Gibraltar.
1753 George Washington becomes a master mason . He was a brick layer? hahaha
1777 Retired British cavalry officer Philip Astley establishes 1st circus
1782 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is married to Constanze Weber.
1821 - Atkinson & Alexander publish the Saturday Evening Post for the first time as a weekly newspaper.
1830 Plans for the city of Chicago laid out. Was it by the maffia?
1873 - Indian Wars: While protecting a railroad survey party in Montana, the United States 7th Cavalry, under Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer, clash for the first time with the Sioux (near the Tongue River; only one man on each side is killed).
1892 - The family of Lizzie Borden is found murdered in their Fall River, Massachusetts home.
1892 Sunday school teacher Lizzie Borden arrested in Fall River, Mass .
1902 - Greenwich foot tunnel under the River Thames opens.

1944 Anne Frank, 15, (Diary of Anne Frank) is arrested by Nazis. Don't you just hate those guys. Tell me this though, if she wouldn't have been in this ordeal, would we have this good book to read? Pain to some is pleasure to others. That's so sick.
1953 Black families move into Trumbull Park housing project in Chicago. okay???
1956 1st motorcycle rode over 200 mph (Wilhelm Herz-210 mph/338 kph) . Dang. Yeah I said Dang.
1964 Civil rights workers Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman & James Chaney found buried inside an earthen dam in Mississippi. The Beatles were just getting started. See what they missed? Their killers should have all knowledge of the Beatles erased from their memories.
1970 Jim Morrison arrested for drunkenness. He drank?
1981 Oliver North is assigned to White House duty. You remember the Ollie North so-called scandal don't you?
1983 - New York Yankee outfielder Dave Winfield accidentally kills a seagull during warmups in the outfield prior to a baseball game in Toronto at Exhibition Stadium and is charged by local police for his "act of cruelty to animals". His manager Billy Martin quipped, "It's the first time he's hit the cutoff man."

1984 Prince's "Purple Rain," album goes to #1 & stays #1 for 24 weeks. I had the Purple "Purple Rain" 45 rpm record. Touch me. Forgive me, I was 9. Although I'm much older now, and although my band plays this song regularly, I still don't know the meaning behind it. Maybe it's better that I don't know.
1991 - The Greek cruise ship Oceanos sinks off the coast of South Africa.
1993 - A federal judge sentences LAPD officers Stacey Koon and Laurence Powell to 30 months in prison for violating motorist Rodney King's civil rights. Rodney didn't understand the term stay down. It's strange that we, the public, don't see the whole tape. As a cop, I saw the whole tape as a training exercise. They don't show the repeated attempts to talk to King or to get him to stop comming towards officers. Even after repeated attempts with a taser, he kept coming. I'm not saying what the cops did was right or wrong or that King was right or wrong. I'm just saying that all of the evidence needs to be presented before the general public makes an opinion. "Can't we all just get along?"

Happy Birthday:
1755 Nicolas-Jacque Conte inventor (modern pencil)

1901 Louis Armstrong New Orleans, Jazz musician & bandleader, "Hello Dolly" - oldest musician in Billboard history to have a Number One song. Man that guy could really blow.
1900 - Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, Queen Mother of the United Kingdom (d. 2002)
1939 Frankie Ford Gretna La, rock vocalist (Sea Cruise)
1946 - Maureen Starkey, one-time wife of Beatle, Ringo Starr (d. 1994) Yep. Just being married to a Beatle gets you space on my blog.
1955 Billy Bob Thornton Hot Springs, Ark. US. actor, 'Sling Blade','A Family Thing' . Do you think he signs legal documents William Robert? Just a thought.
1960 Robbin Crosby heavy metal rocker (Ratt-Round & Round)
1971 - Jeff Gordon, American race car driver


At 7:27 PM, Blogger Jane Q Doe said...

yeah, it makes me think they should put a little more thought proces into writing a scren play before actually making the movie.

At 7:28 PM, Blogger Jane Q Doe said...

just like i shouldve spell checked before leaving that last comment. "screEn play"

At 7:41 PM, Blogger Jane Q Doe said...

i'd also like to say that i hope mr. ian card learned a valuable lesson. freak accidents just ilke this is just one of the reasons i dont go out looking for things to torture or kill.


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