Brad's Worlds

Friday, June 03, 2005

Tomorrow is my Birthday!!!!

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Tomorrow is my birthday. Am I excited? No. Not really. How old will I be? Let's just say that it will be my 1st anniversary of turning 29. You do the math. It's too depressing for me. What plans do I have, you may ask? I sense a lot of alcohol this weekend. Keep in mind. I rarely drink. I've drank less than a dozen times in my life. I may ruin that record this weekend. Well, maybe not. If I continue to drink all weekend, that's like, one time, right?


At 2:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's on the other side of the hill?

At 3:49 PM, Blogger Jane Q Doe said...

oh, blabbity blah. you are not old. you act like your hips are about to give, your hearing is gone, and your hair is falling out. well, one out of three aint bad, i guess.
although you are walking around in that decrepit old shell, it's still far healthier than the 22 year old sack of flesh i'm riding around in. now then, feel better??


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