Brad's Worlds

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Some Things Are Just Too Much Trouble

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1. People try to start shit when there isn't shit to start. I live in a very small town. There isn't much to do here but gossip. I've nearly eliminated all contact to people in the same town because they're so full of crap and try to keep crap stirred up. Take this for example. Here's what happened. Jim walked across the street, got a coke from the machine, and returned to the bench where he was sitting, drank it and smoked a cigarette. What Saline people thought they saw. Jim was sitting on that bench looking like he was up to something. He waited until a white car with tinted windows drove past. He ran towards the car, kicking it like a madman. Got so hot he almost had a heat stroke. Staggering, he made it to the coke machine where he bought a bag of marijuana. See, Tom sells marijuana and hides it in the coin return of the coke machine. Jim bought the coke, obviously with drug money, and reached into the coin return and got the bag of marijuana. Returned to the bench, carefully watching for the white car, and began to drink the coke and smoke a joint. ...........................I need a joint after reading all of that bullshit.

2. The lake commission. In this great town that I live is a lake. It's known as Mill Creek Reservoir. We all refer to it as Saline Lake. I, as well as 90% of the population within 20 miles of it, learned to swim there. It was so cool. In the summer there would be boats, campers, music, and all that jazz. The main swimming parts of the lake are referred to as 1. the spillway 2. the point 3. the claybanks and 4. the watergate. Enter the lake commission. To be on the lake commission, you have to own waterfront land, as I'm told. Their goal was to clean up the lake, or so they said. Now they have iron gates where you can't enter the watergate, or point unless you pay to get in. How do you pay to get in? well, you have to be there at the exact moment when whoever they appoint to hold the key happens to drive by(in the few short years of the lake commission, I still don't know who this is). At the claybanks, my favorite place to swim for 25 years, they've cut trees to block the road and put up posted signs. You don't even have the option to pay to swim there. The spillway is never blocked where you can't get in but they have signs saying what time you can and cannot be there. Keep in mind this is a public boat launch. If there are 5 vehicles with boat trailers, meaning 5 boats are in the water, and you pull up and start to launch your boat. You see someone that just happens to pass at the same time and they say you have to pay to launch your boat from the PUBLIC boat launch, what do you do? Did the others pay? If so, is there any proof? My problem with it all is, if they're gonna charge, they it needs to be a state run program. Or atleast have someone in a guard shack charging everyone and not just a select few. And if they say that particular part of the lake will be open from 8 am to 8 pm, make sure it's open. I do not support the lake commission and never will as long as it's run like this. I am glad of one thing. I am great deal younger than the members of the lake commission, meaning, I can look forward to their deaths when the lake will possibly return to a family lake without having to pay to use a public lake. How else can you fight it? What authority do they have?

3. Women. Need I say more? I think not.
4. Cigarette taxes known as a sin tax. How is smoking a sin? Here is a link to the online Holy Bible. Do a search and tell me how it's a sin. If it's such a sin, make it illegal to smoke. And, since when do politicians care about sin? We can't even have the ten commandments on federal property. Oh yeah, since you could put a tax on sin. I get it now. I heard on the radio this morning that some brilliant politician in Louisiana is proposing a $1 per pack cigarette tax. That politician is Governor Blanko. Of course they're gonna spend the $182 million a year income on teacher salaries. I don't believe that any further and than I can throw the governor. Let me make this clear. I do not smoke and never have. Then what's my problem with it? The government as well as everyone else in the world knows that cigarettes are addictive. It's easier to kick 99% of all known drugs than it is to kick cigarettes. Are they thinking this will make people quit the bad habit? NO!!!!!! These money hungry sonsabitches(yeah, I said sonsabitches) just want to make more money. And what better way to get more money than taxing something that probably 50% of the population are addicted to? There is none. What will this tax not do? It won't make one single person stop smoking. I will not hurt the upper class citizens. They can afford it. What it will do.... This tax will make the poor poorer. That's all we need, some stupid tax that will make a select few rich and will take the majority of the population further into poverty. I need to run for office. They could put that tax up for a vote of the common people. Of course they won't do that because it would fail horribly. That's the good thing about most politicians. They're there to decide our lives.

and like my cousins old shirt said "The more people I meet, the more I like my dog".


At 4:09 PM, Blogger Jane Q Doe said...

we all know jim was kicking that car because they had part of his pot money.

(thats why i avoid saline as much as possible anyways)

and thats how i plan to defeat most of my enemies, out live them.i figure they'll die eventually.

At 5:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okey Dokey
here we go
I smoke everyone that knows me knows that i love to smoke. So I say fuck the sin tax it is unfair and will only hurt a select few of the population.

The $377 million tax increase proposed by Louisiana Governor Mike Foster falls disproportionately on lower-income families and should be scrapped, says the National Center for Public Policy Research.

According to a June 1996 study by Citizens for Tax Justice and the Institute on Taxation and Public Policy, the poorest 20% of families nationally pay an average 16.7% more of their income toward excise taxes on cigarettes, beer and gasoline than do the richest 1% of families. In Louisiana, that figure is 15.22%.

all of that is from

Teachers are overpaid anyway.....
think about it the average salary of a teacher with a masters degree and no expierence is $32,113.00.
when you figure that they only work nine months a year that comes to 22.30 dollars an hour. Thats not even taking into account the two weeks off for christmas,a week off for thanksgiving and another for easter. Give me a break I am a proffesional with twelve years of expierence and I dont even make that.

At 9:22 AM, Blogger Crazy B said...

How long did it take you to stop smoking, Rod? How many times did you stop smoking? The problem is they're putting a substantial tax increase on something they know that so many people are already addicted to. Why should only rich people be able to afford to smoke/drink? It's just that this will have more effect on the poor.


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