Revenge of the Sith
Ugg Boot

Have ya'll seen this yet? If not, go see it. I'm not putting anything on here to spoil the movie. So I go to my local toy store, I would give you the name but they don't pay for advertisement on my site, to purchase a Star Wars action figure for my cousins birthday. So far, I had avoided anything that could spoil anything in the movie. So the Toys R Us geek, I mean the unnamed toy store geek, told me about a variation to the action figure I was purchasing and why there was a variation. I mean details about a very certain part of the movie that I was dying to know. Before I could stop him, he had told me one of the main parts of the movie. All I wanted to do was to buy the figure and go see the movie. Am I a geek? At first glance, you may think, nah. Not a geek.......until you see my action figure room in my house. Then you're mind is made up. Geek, he is(spoken in Yoda voice).
So I went today to eat dinner (that's at noon for you yankees, the meal at the end of the day is supper). I went to Burger King to add to my collection of Burger King Star Wars toys. Sold out they are (Yoda again). So I pitch my fit and say that they should stock enough for the demand and throw down a single french fry and take a sip of coke. I showed them. Then I realize, no one's perfect. I'm reassured of this when I look at my Star Wars Burger King cup with a line showing how much ice and beverage to put into each cup. I thought you had to be a high school graduate to work at Burger King. I could be wrong. It's tough, you know, to fix a glass of coke.
Then, a chance for redemption. I notice the tear off "Choose Your Destiny" game piece on my french fry box. You can choose one of the two death stars to scratch off. One's a winner, one's a loser. At this very moment, I'm holding it up to the light to see if I can get a glimpse of which one is the winner. No luck. Will I be a loser again? I'm nervous. I really want to be a winner. I'm using my Jedi power to choose. Follow your heart.............(scratch, scratch, scratch, scratch)......... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm a loser once again. I'm going to destroy Burger King.(darth vader) Hunger, I feel. Deep hunger. (Yoda again). Meessaa thinks Burger Kings game is rigged it is.(Jar Jar). Victory you shall have next time. (shut up Yoda!!!) Not really. I won a Cheeseburger from Burger King. I am at one with the Jedi knowhatimean Verne?
Memory was something you lost with age
An application was for employment
A program was a TV show
A cursor used profanity
A keyboard was a piano
A web was a spider's home
A virus was the flu
A CD was a bank account
A hard drive was a long trip on the road
A mouse pad was where a mouse lived
And if you had a 3-1/2 inch floppy ..
... you just hoped nobody ever found out
what was it again?? dooku's head got cut off by little darth with the two light sabers?? wasnt that the variation??
Love those Burger King toys. So far we have 3 Wookiees, 2 Darth Mauls, 3 Yodas, and 1 X-wing fighter. What do you have?
I love them too. I have Jabba the Hut, 1 Ewok, Luke, Han with carbonite, Millenium Falcon. Check this out:
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