Brad's Worlds

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

What Happened?

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Ugg Boot

New questions about Jim Morrison's death Definitely worth the read. What really happened? We'll never know.

Automatic toilet tissue dispenser ready Why do we need this? We don't. Take it away Bill.

Nixon library loses Watergate whitewash Interesting one here too.

Condoms of all shapes and sizes were on display at a Bejing fashion show on Wednesday featuring dresses, hats and even lollipops made of the said item. Take a look at the picture. Clothing made from condoms? That makes life a loooooooooooooot easier.

North Korea's security agency has ordered the shutdown of karaoke bars and Internet cafes, saying they are a threat to society, a South Korean newspaper reported Wednesday. Do they sing that bad?

ESCAPE: TB Patient Flees Ark. Quarantine; broke hospital window and fled... Damn dude. Haven't you put enough lives in danger.

Police: Fake Officer Stops Real One... Doh!!! BUSTED!!!!

First planet with water is spotted outside Solar System... And when the final Earth war is fought, this is where we'll run.

This is the extraordinary moment the Queen lost her temper and stormed out of a photoshoot, after a celebrity photographer dared ask her to remove her crown. You tell 'em Liz. See me and the Queen,....we hang out. That's my pet name for her. Love ya Liz.


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