What does gay mean?
Ugg Boot
gay (g
adj. gay·er, gay·est

adj. gay·er, gay·est
- Of, relating to, or having a sexual orientation to persons of the same sex.
- Showing or characterized by cheerfulness and lighthearted excitement; merry.
- Bright or lively, especially in color: a gay, sunny room.
- Given to social pleasures.
- Dissolute; licentious.
Lance Bass is Gay..... and I don't car
Lance Bass is Gay..... and I don't car sing it with me
Lance Bass is Gay..... and I don't car......
oh well. That was fun.
*Wash. court upholds gay marriage ban. Let me just say, I'm very straight. I have some gay friends. Who cares??? Whatever happened to land of the free? It's the land of the free as long as it agrees with you, her, him, me, and the others trying to take away your freedom. This shouldn't even be an issue. Read the Constitution you bigot idiots. And that's gonna be the title of my new song Bigot Idiot.
*New Monopoly game uses debit card, no cash. Gotta get this to go with my other 7 monopoly game sets.
*Saddam prefers firing squad to gallows. Well, that's good to know. Next...
*Californians expect another sweltering day. Yeah, 'cause it's only hot in California.
*Senate passes interstate abortion bill. Do you know what the next to the last line of the national anthem is? "and the land of the free!" What a joke. I'm not saying I believe abortion is right in every case or wrong in every case. Let freedom ring!
*'Star Trek's' Scotty sending ashes to space. Cool.
*Man freed after murder victim found alive. He was in jail for three years. That would make me want to kill someone. Like the person he was in jail for killing.
*Metallica Caves and joins iTunes. It's all about the money.
*Lindsay Lohan overcome by heat. Well, she is hot.
*How did Nicole Kidman re-marry in a Catholic church? Because she's Nicole Kidman... C'mon.

*Survivor winner Richard Hatch moves to jail for 51 months or 4 years 3 months. Isn't that a little harsh?
* A never-released recording by legendary rock guitarist Jimi Hendrix will be sold at auction in New York this fall.
Have you ever wondered how many people have been murdered this year in LA County this year? Last year? Check this out.
Today in Histroy:
1775 Benjamin Franklin becomes 1st Postmaster General
1945 Churchill resigns as Britain's PM
1952 Mickey Mantle hits his 1st grand-slammer
1955 Ted Allen throws a record 72 consecutive horseshoe ringers. and next in redneck news..
1957 USSR launches 1st intercontinental multistage ballistic missile
1958 Army launches 4th US successful satellite, Explorer IV
1964 Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa convicted of fraud & conspiracy
1971 Apollo 15 launched to the Moon
1974 USSR's Soyuz fails to dock with Salyut 3
1982 Canada's Anik D1 Comsat launched by US Delta rocket

1991 Paul Reubens (Pee Wee Herman) is arrested in Florida, for exposing
himself at an adult movie theater. Isn't that why you go there in the first place?
Happy Birthday to:
1739 George Clinton NY, (D-R) 4th VP (1805-12) No, not the funk master.
1856 George Bernard Shaw Dublin Ire, dramatist (Pygmalion-Nobel 1925)
1902 Gracie Allen SF Calif, Mrs George Burns/comedian (Burns & Allen)
1941 Brenton Wood Shreveport La, rocker (Gimme Little Sign) who???

1943 Mick Jagger Rolling Stone, never gathers moss
1949 Roger Taylor rocker (Queen-Bohemian Rhapsody)
We'll miss you:
1863 Sam Houston president of Texas, dies at 70
1941 Marx Dormoy French socialist, killed by a time bomb
1984 Ed "Psycho" Gein dies
Lance Bass is Gay..... and I don't car
Lance Bass is Gay..... and I don't car sing it with me
Lance Bass is Gay..... and I don't car......
oh well. That was fun.
*Wash. court upholds gay marriage ban. Let me just say, I'm very straight. I have some gay friends. Who cares??? Whatever happened to land of the free? It's the land of the free as long as it agrees with you, her, him, me, and the others trying to take away your freedom. This shouldn't even be an issue. Read the Constitution you bigot idiots. And that's gonna be the title of my new song Bigot Idiot.
*New Monopoly game uses debit card, no cash. Gotta get this to go with my other 7 monopoly game sets.
*Saddam prefers firing squad to gallows. Well, that's good to know. Next...
*Californians expect another sweltering day. Yeah, 'cause it's only hot in California.
*Senate passes interstate abortion bill. Do you know what the next to the last line of the national anthem is? "and the land of the free!" What a joke. I'm not saying I believe abortion is right in every case or wrong in every case. Let freedom ring!
*'Star Trek's' Scotty sending ashes to space. Cool.
*Man freed after murder victim found alive. He was in jail for three years. That would make me want to kill someone. Like the person he was in jail for killing.
*Metallica Caves and joins iTunes. It's all about the money.
*Lindsay Lohan overcome by heat. Well, she is hot.
*How did Nicole Kidman re-marry in a Catholic church? Because she's Nicole Kidman... C'mon.

*Survivor winner Richard Hatch moves to jail for 51 months or 4 years 3 months. Isn't that a little harsh?
* A never-released recording by legendary rock guitarist Jimi Hendrix will be sold at auction in New York this fall.
Have you ever wondered how many people have been murdered this year in LA County this year? Last year? Check this out.
Today in Histroy:
1775 Benjamin Franklin becomes 1st Postmaster General
1945 Churchill resigns as Britain's PM
1952 Mickey Mantle hits his 1st grand-slammer
1955 Ted Allen throws a record 72 consecutive horseshoe ringers. and next in redneck news..
1957 USSR launches 1st intercontinental multistage ballistic missile
1958 Army launches 4th US successful satellite, Explorer IV
1964 Teamsters President Jimmy Hoffa convicted of fraud & conspiracy
1971 Apollo 15 launched to the Moon
1974 USSR's Soyuz fails to dock with Salyut 3
1982 Canada's Anik D1 Comsat launched by US Delta rocket

1991 Paul Reubens (Pee Wee Herman) is arrested in Florida, for exposing
himself at an adult movie theater. Isn't that why you go there in the first place?
Happy Birthday to:
1739 George Clinton NY, (D-R) 4th VP (1805-12) No, not the funk master.
1856 George Bernard Shaw Dublin Ire, dramatist (Pygmalion-Nobel 1925)
1902 Gracie Allen SF Calif, Mrs George Burns/comedian (Burns & Allen)
1941 Brenton Wood Shreveport La, rocker (Gimme Little Sign) who???

1943 Mick Jagger Rolling Stone, never gathers moss
1949 Roger Taylor rocker (Queen-Bohemian Rhapsody)
We'll miss you:
1863 Sam Houston president of Texas, dies at 70
1941 Marx Dormoy French socialist, killed by a time bomb
1984 Ed "Psycho" Gein dies
the resemblance between you and peewee in that picture is amazing.
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