
I owe my brother big time. Rupert, from Survivor, signed autographs in Missouri and my brother and neice stood in line for 4 hours to get an autograph. Is this the coolest thing ever? Thanks Jereme and Alisha. You Rock!!!
Survivor Palau starts Feb. 17th. Woo Hoo!
I'm settin' the Tivo now.
Ya'll know that I'm a football nut, right? Of course not. I'm not interested in football at all. I am, however, interested in Paul McCartney. I've been living under a rock I guess because I didn't know he was playing the Super Bowl half time show. Damn!!! Do they replay the super bowl? And if so, when?
Don't know about them replaying the Super Bowl...Paul's performance was a good show though, but of course not as good as being there live. I've seen 2 McCartney shows and they both rocked. At halftime last night he played "Drive My Car," "Get Back," "Live and Let Die," and "Hey Jude."
alright, for friday's trivia for the person who knows everything, i just have to say that "unkempt" also ends with mt. t. he.
something doesn't add up
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