Brad's Worlds

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Mardi Gras Is Upon Us

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I want to go to Mardi Gras in New Orleans. None of my friends want to go. My female
friends don't wanna go see a "tittie fest". Crazy. Every guy, even the pope, likes a
little boobie now and again. My male friends can't go because their women
folk don't want them going to a "tittie fest". I may just go by myself. I'm not
afraid to wake up in a bathtub filled with ice and my kidney missing. AAAAAAHHHHHH!

I urge everyone to look at my comments and leave one for me.... unless you're scared.

Do you like the Ms. Piggy picture or not? Is it funny or not? Leave a comment. It's free.

A Swedish police officer has confessed he robbed a bank and later investigated the crime himself, telling reporters at the time police had no clues.

Deprived of their flat-screen TVs, mobile phones, pizza deliveries and long visits from lovers, inmates at Mexico's top security prison complained on Monday they are being treated "like dogs." My heart goes out to you idiots.

A Texas man charged with removing a pacemaker from his mother's body with a kitchen knife refused to give authorities the device in exchange for his freedom. He just needed a new battery for his tv romote.

San Francisco officials are again grappling with an issue as old as the Golden Gate Bridge: how to stop people from killing themselves by jumping off the city's most famous landmark. How about charging a jump fee? Or better yet, create a reality show about it. Fuck 'em. Let 'em jump and free up some oxygen for the rest of us.

A celebrated Berlin prostitute said Monday that German job center advisers shouldn't shy away from offering jobs in the sex industry to the long-term unemployed.

Homeowners in Britain will not be imprisoned for using "reasonable force" to fight off intruders even if they kill, under guidelines published Tuesday by the state prosecution service. Damn right!!!

A buffalo that escaped from an auction ended up in a dressing room at the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center where it spent a couple of hours staring into a mirror.

Police say a man lost his cool and bit off a third of his younger brother's finger on Thursday night after a vicious family dispute. Finger steak anyone?

State emergency management officials believe someone pressed the wrong button, and instead of running a test of the emergency alert system, midday television viewers and radio listeners were told that the state was being evacuated. ahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

The authenticity of the statement and photo, purporting to show a hostage with a gun to his head, could not be verified, and questions were raised about the photo's authenticity. Liam Cusack, of the toy manufacturer Dragon Models USA, Inc., said the image of the soldier portrayed in the photo bore a striking resemblance to a military action figure made by the company.

Today in history!!!


At 1:13 PM, Blogger Crazy B said...

Wow, I seem to have pissed someone off. What do you say everyone? Should I "Fuck some strangers" as the other comment says?

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Crazy B said...

and Amy even used my real name. That's not good. Now the evil ones will know who I am. Nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

At 2:24 PM, Blogger Jane Q Doe said...

i'm sure that last comment was sadistic sarcasm mocking me somehow, i just can't seem to figure out how. whatever the case, you're an adult. you should be free to do what you want and have complete disregard for everyone else. ultimately, it matters whether or not you are happy yourself. no one else, you. if you want to go this weekend, go. it's not my place to mother you and tell you what you can and can't do. god forbid. go, enjoy yourself.

amy :)

At 2:26 PM, Blogger Crazy B said...

(shaking my head)

At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, to Hell with mardi gras.
I just went back and read the application for a search warrant on the daddy shocker case in FL. This guy should have his nuts strapped to the tazer.

At 3:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, to Hell with mardi gras.
I just went back and read the application for a search warrant on the daddy shocker case in FL. This guy should have his nuts strapped to the tazer.



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