Brad's Worlds

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Who!!!!

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Ugg Boot

I need your help!!!! My favorite band, The Who, are gonna be on their North America tour soon. The only problem is I live in Louisiana. All of the tour dates are for the northern states of the U.S. I can't fly 1,000 miles to go to a concert. (spoken in a whiney old lady voice)"Then obviously you're not a big enough fan and don't deserve to see them. You'd rather sit on your bum and let them come to you." That's not the case. I'm a huge fan.....bigger than huge. I'm a super-size-it fan of the who. So unless my faithful readers would like to pitch in and help me buy a plane ticket, I say let's get them down here. If you help me in emailing them, we can do it. I know it to be true. Please help me. It may change your life. To see their tour schedule, go to The Who website You can email management for the who at and request that they come down. You can tell them that Brad sent you if you want.

Also, take a look at this neat link.
It's a lot of fun.
Bring the Who down south.


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