Brad's Worlds

Thursday, December 29, 2005

the Life and Times of Brad part 5

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What a wonderful trip I just took. Being that the future me told me the secret of time and space, I was off on my own adventure. He told me only enough to go back to this date in history and future. I wasn't told how to jump around to different days. That will come later, I was assured.
My first stop was in the year 1539. It's freezing cold. The wind is blowing the snow so hard that you can't hardly see your hand in front of your face. A violent storm is coming. Lightning is abundent. I'm trying to take a good look around but can only see the slight outline of a tall building. St Jacobs church is then struck by lightning. Everyone is shocked by the incredible boom. I then realize that the firetrucks aren't coming. A few try to battle the burning church using buckets of water. Soon the water supply has been exhausted. I don't mean it was tired, it was gone. So was the church after only a short time.

I then arrived in Washington D.C. in the year 1848. I'm standing outside the whitehouse. It appears to be a little smaller than in the year 2005. I hear a few people talking about lighting in the white house. I can see the candle flicker through the windows. Then the flicker gets brighter and more constant. As it turns out, President Polk has had gas lighting installed in the white house. Here's to a brighter future.

Back in my home state but a different time. It's New Orleans in 1930. I'm standing at the edge of the Mississippi. I can't believe the vehicles I'm seeing. If you know me, you know that I have a passion for antique cars. If only I could take one back with me. I see a man swimming towards me. I go to the banks of the Mississippi and help him out of the water. He shook my hand. "Fred Newton" he said and I introduced myself. He told me of his swimming trip. He said he started swimming in Ford Dam MN and swam until he reached New Orleans. 1826 miles he swam. "Impossible" I said to him. I then began to tell him about my trip, as I call it. "and you say my swim was impossible?" With that remark, I knew it was time to get away from there.

My travels are tiring sometimes.


At 1:53 PM, Blogger Penny said...

I am fascinated by your "this day in history" travels. Let us know when you go to the future.

At 2:25 PM, Blogger Jane Q Doe said...

dont know if you're aware, but this is two thousand and six now. keep up.


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