Brad's Worlds

Thursday, December 15, 2005

the Life and Times of Brad part 3

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In the middle of a dream, I found myself uptight. It was a friday afternoon. My ex and her sister were there. They say we're going to visit an old friend and we end up at a house that I'm unfamiliar with. I remember talking to several people that, being awake, I realize are unknown to me. Suddenly, without warning, things started to fade to black. I remember seeing my ex's sister smile..............

"Wake up!!!! you don't have much time!!!" I remember hearing. Was it the voice within? Then it spoke those words again. This time I knew I wasn't alone. I tried to open my eyes but the bright light hurt with a pain I have never felt. I closed my eyes and was out once again. My next memory is someone helping me outside. I still couldn't open my eyes. I asked if it was still friday because I had plans for saturday night. "It's friday but it's been a week since you were awake last." He started explaining that he was me, just an older me. An uneasy feeling crept over me. I was put in the front seat of a car and I was out once again.

I woke up to the sound of my family talking. I opened my eyes and was met with a jolt of pain. After a few seconds my eyes began to adjust to the light but still hurt unbelievably. Everything was blurry. I asked where I was and was told that I was in the hospital. I remember them speaking of my vision but couldn't comprehend the conversation. I had been poisoned!!!!

After a few days I began to become more aware of my surroundings as the drugs were wearing off. My eyes didn't hurt like before. They asked if I knew who brought me to the hospital? "I brought me to the hospital" I said. "The drugs still haven't worn off" they said. I tried to explain to them that the other me, the older me, had brought me to the hospital. I couldn't remember anymore about the man who rescued me. They were beginning to think the poison had given me brain damage. Anyone who knows me will surely tell you that I don't need poison or anything else for that matter to qualify as being brain damaged.

My hospital stay was something to the effect of 3 weeks. Almost daily I spoke to police about the incident. My eyes were slowly getting better. The doctors said I'd have to wear shades in the daytime whenever I'm outside but otherwise my eyes would be fine. I woke up late one night, or was it early one morning? Anyway, I woke up to an almost totally dark room. I could, however, see the hospital door. Under the door I could see a shadow coming closer. Was it the person who poisoned me? I began to breath faster. Trying to yell for help but nothing happened. I reached for the button that would reach the nurse. As the door slowly opened I hit the button. Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! My alarm was telling me it was time to get up.


At 3:27 PM, Blogger Jane Q Doe said...

and just where the heck is part 4, hm??

At 4:31 AM, Blogger Penny said...

I think you need to lay off the crack, man.

At 7:21 AM, Blogger Crazy B said...

Patience is a virtue. No crack was harmed in the making of this blog.


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