Brad's Worlds

Friday, November 11, 2005

I Bet You Didn't Know This

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Ugg Boot

Archaeologists digging at the purported biblical home of Goliath have unearthed a shard of pottery bearing an inscription of the Philistine's name (Goliath), a find they claimed lends historical credence to the Bible's tale of David's battle with the giant.

Researchers from the University of Zurich have named a newly discovered species of lemur — one of the most primitive and endangered primates in the world — after the British comedian, John Cleese, in honor of his work with the animal.

Here's a smart one. Woman robs banks while on her cell phone.

In the era when dinosaurs ruled the Jurassic earth, a 13-foot oceanic crocodile with a short snout and a mouthful of deadly teeth hunted large creatures in the sea.

Rock 'n' roll pioneer Chuck Berry has sued three leading karaoke music distributors, claiming they sold sing-along versions of his most popular hits without paying royalties or obtaining licenses.

Former Beatle Paul McCartney is to broadcast live into space from a U.S. concert to two astronauts circling the globe.

Sweden - A mythical monster, believed by some to have lived for hundreds of years in the murky depths of a Swedish lake, is now fair game for hunters — if they can find it. Authorities have agreed to lift its endangered species protection.

A tooth believed to have been pulled from Napoleon's mouth was sold Thursday at auction in London for about $22,600. I've got a whole mouthful of teeth. That's something like $200,000. Where are my pliers???

Iowa woman finds dead turtle in coffee. Sure. It could happen.

What happened today?
537 St Silverius ends his reign as Catholic Pope
1215 4th Lateran Council (12th ecumenical council) opens in Rome
1620 41 pilgrims land in Massachusetts, sign Mayflower Compact (just & equal laws)
1647 Massachusetts passes 1st US compulsory school attendance law
1648 Dutch & French agree to divide St Maarten, Leeward Islands
1714 A highway in the Bronx is laid out, later renamed East 233rd Street
1778 Iroquois Indians in NY kill 40 in Cherry Valley Massacre
1790 Chrysanthemums are introduced into England from China
1811 Cartagena Colombia declares independence from Spain
1860 1st Jewish wedding in Buenos Aires Argentina
1862 The opera "La Forza Del Destino" is produced (St Petersburg Russia)
1864 Sherman's troops destroy Rome, Georgia
1865 Mary Edward Walker, 1st Army female surgeon, awarded Medal of Honor
1868 1st American amateur track & field meet (NYC)
1889 Washington admitted as 42nd state
1895 Bechuanaland becomes part of the Cape Colony
1918 Armistice Day-WW I ends (at 11 AM on Western Front)
1921 President Harding dedicates Tomb of Unknown Soldier
1922 Largest US flag displayed (150' X 90') expanded in 1939 (270' X 90')
1924 Palace of Legion of Honor dedicated (San Francisco)
1925 Louis Armstrong records 1st of Hot Five & Hot Seven recordings
1925 Robert Millikan announces discovery of cosmic rays
1928 KXO-AM in El Centro CA begins radio transmissions
1928 WGL-AM in Fort Wayne IN begins radio transmissions
1928 WMT-AM in Cedar Rapids IA begins radio transmissions
1928 WOL-AM in Washington DC begins radio transmissions
1931 Cornerstones laid for Opera House & Veterans Building
1933 "Great Black Blizzard" 1st great dust storm in the Great Plains
1934 1st penalty shot vs Toronto Maple Leafs, Mondou (Mont) unsuccessful
1934 WOC-AM in Davenport Iowa splits from WHO-WOC & becomes KICK-AM
1935 Explorer 2 balloon sets altitude record of 72,000 feet over SD
1939 Kate Smith 1st sings Irving Berlin's "God Bless America"
1940 Blizzard strikes midwestern US killing over 100
1942 During WW II Germany completes their occupation of France
1944 NY Rangers set NHL record of 25 games without a win (0-21-4)
1946 NY Knicks' 1st game at Madison Sq Garden loses 78-68 to Chicago Stags
1957 Demolition begins on cable car barn at California & Hyde (San Francisco)
1959 1st episode of "Rocky & His Friends" airs
1959 Seals Stadium in San Francisco, demolished
1960 Largest NY Knick 49th St MSG crowd-18,499
1963 Brian Epstein & Ed Sullivan sign a 3 show contract for the Beatles
1963 Gordie Howe ties Rocket Richard's lifetime 544 goal record
1965 Rhodesia proclaimed independence from Britain by PM Ian D Smith
1966 Gemini 12 launched on 4-day flight
1968 John Lennon & Yoko Ono appear nude on cover of "2 Virgins" album
1968 Maldives (in Indian Ocean) become a republic
1968 Ron Hill sets record 10-mile run (46:44) at Leicester England
1969 Beatles with Billy Preston release "Get Back" in the UK
1969 Jim Morrison arrested on an airplane by the FBI for drunkenness
1972 US Army turns over Long Bihn base to South Vietnamese army
1975 Angola gains independence from Portugal (National Day)
1975 Australian PM removed by crown (1st elected PM removed in 200 years)
1977 Wings release "Mull of Kintyre" & "Girl's School"
1980 Crew of Soyuz 35 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 37
1980 Islander's Mike Bossy scores 4 goals against North Stars
1982 30th time Islanders shut-out-2-0 vs North Stars
1982 5th space shuttle mission-Columbia 5-launched 1st commercial flight
1982 Solidarity leader Lech Walesa is let out of jail in Poland
1983 President Reagan became 1st US President to address Japan's legislature
1985 Challenger flies back to Kennedy Space Center via Davis-Monthan AFB
1985 Yonkers is found guilty of segregating schools & housing
1987 Judge Anthony M Kennedy nominated to the Supreme Court
1987 Van Gogh's "Irises" sells for record $53.6 M at auction
1988 Oldest known insect fossils (390 million years) reported in Science
1992 General Synod votes for Ordination of women in the UK

1050 Henry IV Holy Roman emperor (1036-1106)
1636 Yen Jo-chu Chinese scholar of Ch'ing dynasty
1744 Abigail Smith Adams 2nd 1st lady
1748 Charles IV king of Spain (1788-1808)
1771 Ephraim McDowell surgeon (pioneered abdominal surgery)
1821 Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky Russia, novelist (Crime & Punishment)
1836 Thomas Bailey Aldrich US, author/editor (Story of a Bad Boy)
1864 Alfred Hermann Fried Germany, pacifist (Nobel 1911)
1869 Victor Emmanuel III king of Italy (1900-46)/Ethiopia
1872 Frederick A Stock Julich, Germany, conductor (Theodore Thomas Orchestra)
1883 Ernest Ansermet Vevey Switzerland, conductor (Ruilles de Printemps)
1885 George S Patton general "Old Blood & Guts"
1896 Charles "Lucky" Luciano Sicily, NYC Mafia gangster
1898 Rene Clair director (I Married a Witch)
1899 Harold "Pie" Traynor baseball hall of fame 3rd baseman (Pirates)
1899 Pat O'Brien Milwaukee, actor (Knute Rockne, Angels with Dirty Faces)
19-- Anne-Marie Martin Toronto Canada, actress (Dori Doreau-Sledge Hammer)
19-- Mic Michaels rocker (Europe-The Final Countdown)
1900 Helena Konopacka Poland, discus thrower (Olympic-gold-1928)
1900 Hugh Scott (Sen-R-PA), minority whip
1900 John Longden West Indies, actor (Man From Interpol)
1901 Sam Spiegel producer (On the Waterfront, Bridge over River Kwai)
1904 Alger Hiss State Department official and spy
1909 Robert Ryan Chicago, actor (Billy Budd, Dirty Dozen, Longest Day)
1910 Franz Kemser Germany, 4 man bobsled (Olympic-gold-1952)
1911 King Hussein of Jordan.
1911 Patric Knowles England, actor (Big Steal, Chisum)
1914 Howard Fast screenwriter (Rachel & the Stranger, Spartacus)
1914 Perry Bass
1915 William Proxmire (Sen-D-WI) (Golden Fleece Awards)
1918 Stubby Kaye NYC, actor (Guys & Dolls, Lil' Abner, Cat Ballou)
1922 Kurt Vonnegut Jr author (Slaughterhouse Five, Sirens of Titan)
1925 Jonathan Winters Dayton OH, comedian (J Winters Show, Mork & Mindy)
1927 Mose Allison Mississippi, jazz artist (Black Country Suite)
1929 LaVern Baker Chicago, R&B vocalist (I Cried a Tear)
1934 Bibi Andersson Sweden, actress (Scenes From a Marriage)
1934 Paula Myers-Pope US, platform diver, 2 silver, 1 bronze (Oly 1952-60)
1936 Susan Kohner actress (Imitation of Life, Gene Krupa Story)
1937 Warner Wolf Wash DC, sportscaster (WABC-TV, WCBS-TV)
1938 John Reilly Chicago, actor (Sean-General Hospital, Dallas, Hamptons)
1938 Josef Odozil Czech, 1500m (Olympic-silver-1964)
1939 Claudia Boyarskikh USSR, 5K/10K cross country (Olympic-gold-1964)
1943 Jan Adamski Poland, International Chess Master (1976)
1944 Jesse Colin Young NY, rocker (The Youngbloods-Soul of a City Boy)
1945 Daniel Ortega Saavedra President of Nicaragua (1984- )
1945 Denise Alexander NYC, actress (General Hospital, Another World)
1951 Fuzzy Zoeller New Albany IN, PGA golfer (Masters 1981)
1953 Andy Partridge guitars/vocal (XTC-Oranges & Lemons)
1954 Gail Marquis WBL forward (NY Stars, Olympic-silver-1976)
1955 Jigme Singye Wangchuk king of Bhutan (1972- )
1956 Ian Craig Marsh rocker (Heaven 17-Electric Dreams)
1959 Vincent Irizarry Queens NY, actor (Guiding Light, Santa Barbara)
1960 Lisa Welch Semler Aberdeen MD, playmate (Sep, 1980)
1962 Demi Moore [Guynes], Roswell NM, actress (7th Sign, Blame it on Rio)
1963 Vinnie Testaverde NFL quarterback (Tampa Bay Buckineers)
1964 Philip McKeon Westbury NY, actor (Tommy-Alice, Return to Horror High)
1965 Brian Wilson NYC, murderer (FBI Most Wanted List)
1968 Jo Kittsee Germany, rocker (Fuzzbox-Into Rescue)
1968 Wyatt Pauley Ecuador, rocker (Linear-I Never Felt This Way, Lies)
1970 Derry Brownson rock keyboardist (EMF-Unbelievable)
1970 Lee Parkin Starsky daughter of Ringo
1974 Leonardo DiCaprio LA, actor (Luke-Growing Pains)


1831 Nat Turner former slave, led a violent insurrection, hanged in VA
1956 Victor Young orchestra leader (Milton Berle Show), dies at 56
1962 Rene Coty President of France, dies at 80
1973 Stringbean [David Akeman], banjoist/comedian (Hee Haw), dies at 58
1974 Jane Ace comedian (Easy Aces), dies at 74
1975 Marty May (Fireball Fun For All), dies at 79
1984 Rev Martin Luther King Sr dies in Atlanta at 84
1986 Roger C Carmel actor (Mudd-Star Trek, Mothers-in-Law), dies at 54
1987 L T Coggeshall medical scientist (Secretary of HEW 1956-58), dies at 86


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