Brad's Worlds

Monday, April 11, 2005

Who the hell is Yorgos Panayiotou???

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Ugg Boot

Here are some interesting facts (thanks Amy):

  • Men are like snowstorms. You never know when he’s coming, how many inches you’ll get or how long he will last.

  • Memory is like an orgasm. It is a lot better if you don’t have to fake it.

  • The function of a muscle is to pull and not push, except in the case of the genitals and the tongue. -Leonardo Da Vinci

  • Sex is like a bridge game; if you don’t have a good partner, you better have a good hand.

  • The good thing about masturbation is that you don’t have to dress up for it. -Truman Capote

  • It was at the end of my freshman year of high school - and freshman year of masturbating - that I discovered on the underside of my penis, just where the shaft meets the head, a little discolored dot that has since been diagnosed as a freckle. Cancer. I had given myself cancer. All that pulling and tugging at my own flesh, all that friction, had given me an incurable disease. And not yet fourteen In bed at night the tears rolled from my eyes. ‘No ’ I sobbed. ‘I don’t want to die Please - no ’ But then, because I would very shortly be a corpse anyway, I went ahead as usual and jerked off into my sock. -Philip Roth

  • It isn’t premarital sex if you have no intention of getting married. -George Burns

  • I got my sex drive last month. It came with my computer.

  • Kinky is using a feather - perverted is using the whole chicken.

  • In the 1700's Swiss physician S. Tissot claimed that masturbation was an illness that led to insanity, a number of other serious illnesses, and even death.
  • Approximately 50% of people feel guilty after they masturbate.
  • Studies have shown that, contrary to myth, regular acts of masturbation will not cause blindness.
In 1977, D’Augelli and D’Augelli used the following framework to describe the various sexual philosophies among unmarried people. Which one are you?
  • inexperienced virgins - “are individuals who have had little dating experience until college and usually have not thought much about sex
  • adamant virgins - are people who firmly believe that intercourse before marriage is improper (and often have a strong religious basis for this belief)
  • potential nonvirgins - are individuals who have not yet found the right partner or the right situation for coital sex and often seem to have a high fear of pregnancy
  • engaged nonvirgins - are those whose coital experience has usually been only with one partner (typically someone they love or care deeply about) and only in the context of a committed relationship
  • liberated nonvirgins - are people who have more permissive attitudes toward premarital intercourse and value the physical pleasures of coitus without demanding love as a justification
  • confused nonvirgins - are those who ‘engage in sex without real understanding for the motivation, the place of sex in their lives, or its effects on them.’
This week in music...
1943, LSD is synthesized for the first time by Albert Hofmann ... more than two decades later the psychoactive substance fuels a revolution in consciousness, music, and pop culture...

1956, Rock 'n Roll Dance Party debuts on the CBS Radio Network ... hosted by DJ Alan Freed, it's the first regularly scheduled and nationally aired rock 'n' roll show...

1956, later to become known as Soul Brother Number One, Mr. Dynamite himself, and the hardest-working man in show business, James Brown charts for the first time with "Please, Please, Please"...

1961, Bob Dylan makes his professional singing debut in Greenwich Village at Gerde's Folk City opening for John Lee Hooker ... he performs "House of the Rising Sun" and "Song to Woody" ... Joan Baez joins him for the second number...

1962, Pravda, the official Russian newspaper, warns youths about the dangers of twisting...

1964, The Beatles occupy a record-breaking 14 spots on the U.S. charts ranging from #1 down to #81..."Can't Buy Me Love" (1), "Twist and Shout" (2), "She Loves You" (4), "I Want to Hold Your Hand" (7), "Please Please Me" (9), "Do You Want to Know a Secret" (14), "I Saw Her Standing There" (38), "You Can't Do That" (48), "All My Loving" (50), "From Me to You" (52), "Thank You Girl" (61), "There's a Place" (74), "Roll Over Beethoven" (78), and "Love Me Do" (81)...

1967, proving that capitalists will always be hot on the heels of revolutionaries, Grayline begins busing people through the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco on a guided tour of Hippyland...

1968, Pink Floyd cofounder Syd Barrett leaves the band ... Barrett's mental instability, exacerbated by heavy drug use, has become so severe he can no longer function...

1968, Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention perform at the National Academy of Arts and Sciences Dinner in New York ... Zappa makes some cutting remarks, terming the event, "a load of pompous hokum ... All year long you people have manufactured this crap, now for one night you're gonna have to listen to it!"...recalling the event later, Zappa says, "We played the ugliest sh*t we could...that's what they expected us to play"...

1971, Chicago plays Carnegie Hall in New York City ... they are the first rock group to do so...

1973, Journey Through The Past premieres at the U.S. Film Festival in Dallas...the film is an autobiographical documentary by Neil Young, consisting mainly of footage and images captured throughout his career...Young sketchily describes it as "a collection of thoughts. Every scene meant something to me--although with some of them I can't say what"...

1977, The Damned are the first British punk band to play at CBGB...

1981, Sam Goody, the nation's leading music retailer, is convicted of selling pirated tapes through its stores...

1983, U.S. Interior Secretary James Watt bans the Beach Boys from performing at the 4th of July celebration on the Washington Mall ... the overly zealous conservative offers the rationale that rock 'n' roll bands attract the wrong element ... two days later President Reagan overturns the goofball decision and personally invites the Beach Boys to perform...

1994, In Utero, Nirvana's third full-length album, is certified double-platinum ... just three days after Kurt Cobain's body is discovered at his home in Seattle ... the 27-year-old musician died from a shotgun blast to the head ... whether the fatal wound was self-inflicted or not is debated among the media and the band's fan base ... the hardest evidence to refute such contentions is the suicide note found beside his body which quotes the lyric from the Neil Young song My, My, Hey, Hey: "it's better to burn out than to fade away"...

1997, those crazy, pop-music lovin' Dutch ... the University of Amsterdam offers a course titled Madonna 101 ... about 50 students sign up for a class examining the pop star's music and (yecch) films ... the for-credit course also examines Madonna's persona as a sex symbol, her religious beliefs, and her impact as a media presence ... the debut lecture is attended by Dutch television crews ... oh well--even if the lecture sucks at least you can dance to it...

1997, A&M Records issues a press release stating that Soundgarden has chosen to "disband to pursue other interests" ... the president of A&M, Al Cafaro, gives the band this send off: "Throughout the flash, hype and turmoil, as this scene conquered the musical world, Soundgarden handled themselves with intelligence, integrity and nobility. They were able to present their music and their world view with passion and honesty." ... 'nuff said...

1998, singer George Michael is arrested in the bathroom of a Beverly Hills park ... the ex-Wham! star is booked on suspicion of misdemeanor lewd conduct ... at first he gives officers his real name, Yorgos Panayiotou, but later cops to being the pop star ... he is released later the same day after posting $500 bail...

2000, Metallica files suit against Napster, USC, Yale, and Indiana University alleging the institutions are guilty of copyright infringement, unlawful use of a digital audio interface device, and violations of the Racketeering Influenced & Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) ... the charges against USC, Yale, and Indiana University are dropped when the schools remove Napster from their file servers ... rapper and producer Dr. Dre joins the legal action against the software company at a later date ... after a year-long court battle, Napster settles for an undisclosed amount of money ... however, the court ruling by U.S. District Judge Marilyn Patel shuts down the software maker's servers indefinitely, effectively killing Napster downloads...

2002, Eminem agrees to pay $100,000 to John Guerra in a settlement resulting from a civil lawsuit ... the suit claims that Eminem attacked Guerra, hitting him in the face and head with a handgun ... the alleged attack was allegedly punishment for Guerra having allegedly kissed Eminem's wife, Kim...


At 9:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so what are you? Confused or Liberated?

At 6:45 AM, Blogger Crazy B said...

If you knew me, you'd know that I am confused and liberated. It all depends on what mood I'm in.

At 6:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

good to know, File that away for future reference.


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