Brad's Worlds

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Part 2

Free Hit Counters
Ugg Boot

LOS ANGELES — James Doohan, the burly chief engineer of the Starship Enterprise in the original "Star Trek" TV series and motion pictures died early Wednesday. He was 85.

230 St Pontianus begins his reign as Catholic Pope
1588 English fleet defeats Spanish armada
1831 Belgium gains independence from Netherland, Leopold I made king
1836 1st Canadian RR opens, between Laprairie & St John, Qu‚bec
1846 Mormons found 1st English settlement in Calif (San Joaquin Valley)
1861 1st major battle of Civil War ends (Bull Run), Va-South wins
1867 City Gardens on Folsom opens
1873 Jesse James, 1st train robbery
1880 Compressed air accident kills 20 workers on Hudson River tunnel, NY
1896 National Federation of Afro-American Women & Colored Women's
League merge to form National Association of Colored Woman
1898 Spain cedes Guam to US
1900 Pope Leo XIII encyclical to the Greek-Melkite rite
1904 Camille Jenatzy sets world auto speed record at 65.79 MPH
1919 Dirigible crashes through bank skylight killing 13 (Chicago, Ill)
1921 Indians (9) & Yankees (7) hit a record 16 doubles
1923 Phillies score 12 in 6th & beat Cubs 17-4
1928 H E Wood discovers asteroid #1096 Reunerta
1930 US Veterans Administration established
1931 Reno race track, becomes 1st in US to use daily double wagering
1934 113ø F (45ø C), near Gallipolis, Ohio (state record)
1935 C Jackson discovers asteroid #1358 Gaika
1940 Soviet Union annexes Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
1942 8 die as coal waste heap slides in river valley near Oakwood, Va
1944 US forces free Guam of Japanese invaders
1945 Detroit Tigers & Phila A's play 24 inning 1-1 tie
1946 J‚sus T Pi¤erol becomes 1st native born Puerto Rican governor
1949 Senate ratifies North Atlantic Treaty by a vote of 82-13
1954 At Geneva, France agrees to independence of North & South Vietnam
1955 1st sub powered by liquid metal cooled reactor launched-Seawolf
1956 Cin Red pitcher Brooks Lawrence loses after 13 straight wins
1957 1st black to win a major US tennis tournament (Althea Gibson)
1959 1st atomic powered merchant ship, Savannah, christened, Camden NJ
1960 The country of Katanga forms in Africa
1961 Launch of Mercury 4 (Liberty Bell) with Grissom
1962 160 civil right activists jailed after demonstration in Albany Ga
1965 Pakistan, Iran & Turkey sign Regional Co-Operation pact
1966 Gemini X returns to Earth
1969 Neil Armstrong steps on the Moon at 2:56:15 AM (GMT)
1969 Russia's Luna 15 impacts moon after 52 lunar orbits
1972 2 passenger trains collide head-on killing 76 (Seville, Spain)
1972 In New York, 57 murders occur in 24 hours
1973 Hank Aaron becomes 2nd major leaguer to hit 700 HRs
1973 USSR launches Mars 4 for fly-by (2600 km) of the red planet
1975 Billy Martin fired as Texas Rangers manager
1975 NY Met Felix Milan hits 4 singles; erased by Joe Torres 4 double plays
1976 1st outbreak of "Legionnaire's Disease" kills 29 in Phila
1978 US Postal Service & unions agree on a contract averting mail strike
1978 World's strongest dog, 80-kg St Bernard, pulls 2909-kg load 27 m
1979 N Chernykh discovers asteroids #2585 Irpedina & #3298
1979 National Women's Hall of Fame (Seneca Falls, NY) dedicated
1980 Jean-Claude Droyer climbs the Eiffel Tower in 2 hrs 18 mins
1983 Polish govt ends 19 months of martial law
1983 Storm cuts short Diana Ross' free concert in NY's Central Park
1983 US announces Lebanon freed American hostage David Dodge
1984 1st documented case of a robot killing a human in US
1984 Marita Koch of E Germany sets world women's mark for 200m, 21.71s
1986 Pleasure Island plans unveiled
1988 ESA's Ariane-3 launches 2 communications satellites (1 Indian)
1989 Eastern Airlines submits a reorganization plan to creditors
1989 Greg LeMond (US) wins Tour de France in fastest time
1989 Mike Tyson TKOs Carl "the Truth" Williams in 1:33 of 1st round
1990 Goodwill Games opens in Seattle Wash
1990 Pink Floyds' "The Wall" is performed where the Berlin Wall once stood

Religious History

1773 Clement XIV issued the brief, 'Dominus ac redemptor noster,' officially dissolvingthe Society of Jesus (Jesuits). This politically-based suppression afterward leftconspicuous gaps in Catholic education and foreign missions.
1829 Birth of public school teacher Priscilla Jane Owens. A Methodist who remained inBaltimore all her life, she left behind two enduring hymns: 'We Have an Anchor' and 'JesusSaves.'
1886 The cardinal's hat was conferred upon Elzear Alexandre Taschereau, 66, archbishopof Quebec. He was the first Canadian to be made a cardinal in the Catholic Church.
1925 Following a sensational 12-day trial, high school biology teacher John T. Scopeswas found guilty of teaching evolution in his Dayton, TN classroom and was fined $100.
1958 English apologist C.S. Lewis wrote in a letter: 'What the devil loves is thatvague cloud of unspecified guilt or unspecified virtue, by which he lures us into despairor presumption.'

Happy Birthday
1816 Paul Julius Baron von Reuter founded Reuters news service
1899 Ernest Hemmingway Oak Park, for whom the bell tolled... (Nobel 1954)
1924 Don Knotts Morgantown WV, actor (Amdy Griffth Show, 3's Company)
1943 Edward Herrmann Wash DC, actor (Day of the Dolphin, Reds)
1947 Cat Stevens aka Yusuf Islam, rocker (Peace Train, Father & Son)
1952 Robin Williams Chicago Ill, comedian (Mork & Mindy, Awakenings)
1957 Jon Lovitz Tarzana Calif, comedian (SNL)


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