Halloween is almost here! our
Ugg Boot

I got a couple of guesses on the question from yesterday.(I'm hungry. Can you guess what I want to eat? It is 5 letters, starts with P, and the 3rd and 4th letters are the same. If you know what it is, post a comment.) The answer is........Pizza. Jane got the answer right. Penny, close but I don't eat putty. Not saying that I haven't, but I don't anymore.
Have you ever wanted to know the true history of Halloween? Not just what they preach about but the truth? Well, click here.
Star dust found deep beneath the Pacific Ocean has led German scientists to speculate that a supernova explosion 3 million years ago might possibly have helped bring about human evolution. Maybe Darwin was right. Who thinks Darwins theory goes against Christianity? And for the tougher question. Has anyone out there read Darwins Theory? I have and it's very interesting. Most of you say Darwin blah blah blah without ever reading a single word of his works. Todays trivia question is.... What is Darwins first name?
Hotel Guest Pays Bill After 24 Years. 24 years? I can't remember to pay my phone bill and that's once a month.
Caregiver Stores Dead Woman in Freezer. Well, there's too much meat to eat at one sitting.
Twins Get Perfect SAT Scores. They plan on being contestants on Who Wants to be a Millionaire. I bet these two with they had perfect SAT scores. Crazy!!!
Russians May Ban Public Beer-Drinking. Oh no. What will I do then? I mean, my whole life.... Wait a minute. I'm not Russian.
A conman persuaded an Ethiopian town's inhabitants to give him hundreds of dollars by promising to multiply the cash and make it "fall like rain" from the sky. Dumb and Dumber.
Soccer Players with Ponytails Banned. I think thocker playerth would look better with mohawkth.
Today in History: Click here to see what happened this week in music history
306 - Maxentius is proclaimed Roman emperor.
312 - Battle of Milvian Bridge: Constantine the Great defeats the forces of Maxentius. Roman emporer Constantine converts himself and the empire to Christianity.
1492 - Christopher Columbus lands in Cuba. Christopher Columbus. That names sounds farmiliar for some reason. Oh well.
1886 - In New York Harbor, US President Grover Cleveland dedicates the Statue of Liberty. I'll be Chris Columbus, his friends let him call him Chris, never saw that one coming.
1919 - Prohibition begins: The United States Congress passes the Volstead Act over President Woodrow Wilson's veto. What a disaster that was.
1936 - US President Franklin Roosevelt rededicates the Statue of Liberty on its 50th anniversary.
1942 - The Alaska Highway is completed. That's right. I have history of roads too.
1950 - The Jack Benny Show, starring Jack Benny, premiers (it ran for 15 years). Now why would the Jack Benny Show star Jack Benny? That is a true mystery.
1958 - Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli becomes Pope and takes the name Pope John XXIII.
1961 Chuck Berry goes on trial for the second time. So if you meet someone in a club, you should ask for an ID? That is sooooooo sexy.
1965 - In St. Louis, Missouri, the 630-foot-tall catenarian steel Gateway Arch is completed.
1986 - The centennial of the Statue of Liberty's dedication is celebrated in New York Harbor.
1998 - An Air China jetliner is hijacked by disgruntled pilot Yuan Bin and flown to Taiwan. After landing the plane safely, Yuan Bin was arrested. Dumbass!!!!
Happy Birthday to:
1793 - Eliphalet Remington, firearm manufacturer (d. 1861)
1914 - Dr. Jonas Salk, scientist, discoverer of polio vaccine (d. 1995)
1937 - Charlie Daniels, musician
1955 - Bill Gates, software tycoon, co-founder and Microsoft
1967 - Julia Roberts, actress
Have you ever wanted to know the true history of Halloween? Not just what they preach about but the truth? Well, click here.
Star dust found deep beneath the Pacific Ocean has led German scientists to speculate that a supernova explosion 3 million years ago might possibly have helped bring about human evolution. Maybe Darwin was right. Who thinks Darwins theory goes against Christianity? And for the tougher question. Has anyone out there read Darwins Theory? I have and it's very interesting. Most of you say Darwin blah blah blah without ever reading a single word of his works. Todays trivia question is.... What is Darwins first name?
Hotel Guest Pays Bill After 24 Years. 24 years? I can't remember to pay my phone bill and that's once a month.
Caregiver Stores Dead Woman in Freezer. Well, there's too much meat to eat at one sitting.

Twins Get Perfect SAT Scores. They plan on being contestants on Who Wants to be a Millionaire. I bet these two with they had perfect SAT scores. Crazy!!!
Russians May Ban Public Beer-Drinking. Oh no. What will I do then? I mean, my whole life.... Wait a minute. I'm not Russian.
A conman persuaded an Ethiopian town's inhabitants to give him hundreds of dollars by promising to multiply the cash and make it "fall like rain" from the sky. Dumb and Dumber.
Soccer Players with Ponytails Banned. I think thocker playerth would look better with mohawkth.
Today in History: Click here to see what happened this week in music history
306 - Maxentius is proclaimed Roman emperor.
312 - Battle of Milvian Bridge: Constantine the Great defeats the forces of Maxentius. Roman emporer Constantine converts himself and the empire to Christianity.
1492 - Christopher Columbus lands in Cuba. Christopher Columbus. That names sounds farmiliar for some reason. Oh well.

1886 - In New York Harbor, US President Grover Cleveland dedicates the Statue of Liberty. I'll be Chris Columbus, his friends let him call him Chris, never saw that one coming.
1919 - Prohibition begins: The United States Congress passes the Volstead Act over President Woodrow Wilson's veto. What a disaster that was.
1936 - US President Franklin Roosevelt rededicates the Statue of Liberty on its 50th anniversary.
1942 - The Alaska Highway is completed. That's right. I have history of roads too.
1950 - The Jack Benny Show, starring Jack Benny, premiers (it ran for 15 years). Now why would the Jack Benny Show star Jack Benny? That is a true mystery.
1958 - Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli becomes Pope and takes the name Pope John XXIII.
1961 Chuck Berry goes on trial for the second time. So if you meet someone in a club, you should ask for an ID? That is sooooooo sexy.
1965 - In St. Louis, Missouri, the 630-foot-tall catenarian steel Gateway Arch is completed.
1986 - The centennial of the Statue of Liberty's dedication is celebrated in New York Harbor.
1998 - An Air China jetliner is hijacked by disgruntled pilot Yuan Bin and flown to Taiwan. After landing the plane safely, Yuan Bin was arrested. Dumbass!!!!
Happy Birthday to:
1793 - Eliphalet Remington, firearm manufacturer (d. 1861)
1914 - Dr. Jonas Salk, scientist, discoverer of polio vaccine (d. 1995)
1937 - Charlie Daniels, musician
1955 - Bill Gates, software tycoon, co-founder and Microsoft
1967 - Julia Roberts, actress
Darwin's first name was Charles, his middle name was Robert. But to me, he was always "C.R." You know, like R.C. Cola, only backward. And without the Cola. Anyway, sometimes I called him "Big C," and he seemed to like that. Other times it was "Sweet Thang" or just plain "Lover." But whatever you call him, don't call him late to dinner.
t-hee, i got a mention. my life is now complete. well, i was gonna take a shot at the oh-so-challenging darwin trivia game and go for chucky, but i guess now i wont. sheesh. some people just hog all the.........whatever it is that just got hogged that i didnt get....or get to do. hmmm. i'd like some pizza anyways...
jane quentin-terrantino doe
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