It's A Miracle
Ugg Boot

Al Gore gives the opponent of George Bush advice on how to beat him. I don't have enough respect for him to put his name on my site. How the hell would Al Gore know how to beat George Bush. Idiots!!!! They're all idiots. George's opponent is even making cracks about George being shorter than he is. Loser.

Pro-hunt demonstrators dumped animal carcasses and women went topless amid noisy protests on Tuesday outside Prime Minister Tony Blair's Labor Party conference. I am all for hunting but dumping animal carcasses is in bad taste. Now the topless women??? I think when you turn 21 you should be required to go topless for atleast one year. Jane, you know who you are, how old are you by the way? Hmmm. (man am I gonna get it from that statement.)
What do you get for that special someone who has just about everything? How about a personal zeppelin? The 12-seater could be yours for a mere $10 million from the 2004 Neiman Marcus Christmas Book. Give me one second to write this letter. Dear Santa,...... That's right. I still believe in Santa Clause.

Teacher Investigated for Phony Test. Officials say a tenth-grade geometry teacher at Oxon Hill High School administered what is being called a "fake math proficiency test." It contained math word problems beginning with phrases like "Jose has two ounces of cocaine," "Willie gets $200 for a stolen BMW," and "Raul gets six years for murder." He was obviously putting the test in terms the class could relate to. You can bet this wasn't at Beverly Hills High.

I can't believe this. There is an online poll on whether or not Dan Rather should be fired or should resign. The guy made a mistake. He admitted to the mistake and apologized for it. He didn't lie about it, he didn't try to put it off onto other people, he took responsibility for it. Here are the question on the poll. Notice the last question. I don't think this was all about Dan Rather. Do you? SAVE DAN!!!!
1) Do you believe Dan Rather should resign?
Yes No
2) If Dan Rather refuses to resign, should he be fired?
Yes, fired. No, not fired.
3) Do you believe Dan Rather was sincere in his apology?
| Yes | No |
4) Do you believe CBS and Dan Rather made an honest mistake in their report using forged documents against President Bush?
| Yes, honest mistake. | No, it was intentional |
| George Bush |
| John Kerry |

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who set up a tent outside his smoke-free state office to accommodate his taste for a good cigar, signed a bill barring tobacco from state prisons. Now how is that fair? How can he have a tent set up just so he can smoke and he's saying the prisonors can't? Well, I'll tell you. These people had to be jailed because they couldn't live peacefully, honestly, and respectfully in the outside world. I think Louisiana prisons have the right idea. Make the inmates work for their keep instead of letting them sit in air conditioned rooms, working on a free college degree, while watching tv. I could go on for days about this one.

A man attacked two pilots and a passenger with an axe on a domestic Norwegian flight on Wednesday. With an axe? Work with me here. You're in line at the airport going through metal detectors and you hear. "Next. BEEEEEEEEP! Empty your pockets sir. Hmm. Razor blades. Go on through. Next. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! Empty your pockets sir. Hmm. An axe. go on through. Next."
A single mother in Toronto who danced the night away while her two-year-old daughter was dying of dehydration in a sweltering apartment has pleaded guilty to manslaughter. She should be drug out into the street and shot.
Eight months later, Janet Jackson's infamous performance during the Super Bowl XXXVIII halftime show remains the most replayed moment in TiVo history. No I like breasts just as much as the next guy. Thank you Janet Jackson for ruining radio and television.

Videotaping movies may become a federal offence. Oh crap. What will I do then?

The first private manned rocket to reach space soared toward the edge of the atmosphere on Wednesday in a bid to earn the $10 million Ansari X Prize.
I just had to add some comics to my page. For more daily comics click here.

1930 Dracula filming begins
1932 Katherine Hepburn's film debut
1988 Stacy Allison of Portland, Oregon, becomes the first American woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest, which at 29,035 feet above sea level is the highest point on earth.
Gene Autry ( 1907-1998)
Jerry Lee Lewis aka "The Killer" (1935- )
a day behind on reading ure site. now then. i'm 21 and the reason i'm not going topless is because i dont want to put all the other 21 year olds to shame. thank you. sincerely,
president of the I.B.T.C.
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