Mind Journey
Ugg Boot

Let me take your mind on a journey. We'll travel into the unknown seeking the most important commodity of all. Information. To take this journey you'll only need free will and imagination. Join me.
Wow!!! That was deep. I should put that into a song.
Guess what. King-sized Mars and Snickers chocolate bars will be cut down to size in Britain next year as a leading food manufacturer responds to growing pressure about portion distortion and rising levels of obesity. My question is will they also cut down the price on the now smaller candy bar? You'll bet they won't. Let's use Coca-Cola as an example. They came out with the 13 oz. coke in the plastic bottle. It's almost half the size of the 20 oz. coke. So you get 35% less product for the same price. Personally, I buy the 13 oz. because it's all the coke I can drink at one time. So I'll just keep taking it up the tail pipe I guess. I'm sure it will be the same with the candy bars. Another question, if you worry about obesity, why buy the king size candy bar. Buy the normal one. Just another rich company trying to take advantage. What do you think? Leave me a comment.
Did you hear that an asteroid will come within 1 million miles of our little blue dot in the galaxy that we refer to as Earth on Wednesday?
Speaking of things in outer space? Get your check books out, sell all of your stock, remortgage the house, because this journey could end up in space. Richard Branson, Britain's best-known entrepreneur and part-time daredevil, plans to launch the world's first passenger service to space in 2007, offering zero-gravity flights for $198,600. Sounds crazy huh? If I could afford it, I'd be on the first flight. This venture sounds like it could turn into a good movie. Hear me out: First space tourist ship enters space, all contact to Earth is lost, when they try to re-enter the atmosphere, a strange air ship escorts them down to a strange looking Earth. It's the year 2435 a.d. What will they do now? Oh I'm gonna write that down. I'll make it into a daily episode. Tell me what you think.

CBS is trying to retire Dan Rather because of a non-credible news event. Dan has been with 60 minutes since 1981. Is this the first mistake he has made? Surely not. Should this cost him his job? Surely not. I hate politics. Let him keep his job and...well, let's move on.
Customers of British cable firm NTL were subjected to a barrage of profanity after a malicious hacker or disgruntled employee changed the company's telephone service message. Blaaahahahahahahahahahaha. The newspaper reported that customers who called to report a fault with their service were told:
"You are through to NTL customer services. We don't give a (expletive) about you. We are never here. We just (expletive) you about, basically, and we are not going to handle any of your complaints. Just (expletive) off and leave us alone."

Jimi Hendrix died in 1970. People are still fighting over his estate. When Ray Charles died a few months ago, people immediately got lawyers to get as much as they could. I hope they get nothing buy lawyer bills.
A 108-year-old man has taken up smoking again, encouraged by gifts of cigars from as far away as London. That reminds me of grumpy old men. "Dad, do you think you should be smoking? I'm 94. What the hell do I care."
A motorcyclist got a large ticket. 205 MPH. Posted speed limit 65 MPH. Imagine hitting a pebble on a motorcycle going 205 mph. Hitting pavement at 205 miles per hour would not be good. Any body want hamburger for lunch?

Terminator 4 is in the works with a proposed 2005 starting date. Will Arnold Schwarzenegger star in this one? It's not clear at this time. Would you want to see a Terminator movie without him? I think not.
NBC announced today that Conan O'Brien will take over from Jay Leno as host of the "Tonight" show. Finally, there is proof that the end of humanity is at hand.

Has George Lucas gone to the dark side? The next Star Wars installment will likely be rated PG-13, not rated G like the 5 already released. Mr. Lucas, or George as his close friends such as I call him, said that "This is the darkest of them all,". "From the original trilogy, we know that in Episode III, Anakin is horribly burned, Padmé (Amidala, the queen and senator who becomes the mother of Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia) dies, Mace Windu dies, Luke and Leia are separated, and the Jedi are wiped out," he says. "It would be hard to do them justice without the film being PG-13."
Today in History
1864 Unarmed Yankees are massacred in Centralia
1935 13-year-old singer and actress Judy Garland signs her first contract with MGM.
1964 Warren Commission report released
1989 Zsa Zsa Gabor storms out of the courtroom
Samuel Adams 1722-1803
Meat Loaf (1951 - )
Gwyneth Paltrow (1973 - )
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