Brad's Worlds

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Hehehehehehehehehe Blahahahahahahaha

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Ugg Boot

Britney Spears files for divorce. Now is my chance to marry her. I mean, let's face it. She's into no talent ass clowns. I have as good a shot as anyone.

And on this day in history:

1492 - The Ensisheim Meteorite, the oldest meteorite with a known date of impact, struck the earth around noon in a wheat field outside the village of Ensisheim, Alsace.

1665 - The London Gazette, the oldest surviving journal, is first published.

1786 - The oldest musical organization in the United States was founded as the Stoughton Musical Society. This is important damnit.

1837 - In Alton, Illinois, abolitionist printer Elijah P. Lovejoy is shot dead by a mob while attempting to protect his printing shop from being destroyed a third time. Now that's justice.

1848 - U.S. presidential election, 1848: Zachary Taylor is elected president in the first US presidential election held in every state on the same day.

1874 - A cartoon by Thomas Nast in Harper's Weekly, is considered the first important use of an elephant as a symbol for the United States Republican Party

1885 - In Craigellachie, British Columbia, construction ends on the Canadian Pacific Railway railway extending across Canada.

1893 - Women in the U.S. state of Colorado are granted the right to vote. Her we go.

1910 - The first air freight shipment (from Dayton, Ohio, to Columbus, Ohio) is undertaken by the Wright Brothers and department store owner Max Moorehouse.

1912 - The Deutsche Opernhaus (now Deutsche Oper Berlin) opens in the Berlin neighborhood of Charlottenburg, with a production of Beethoven's Fidelio.

1914 - The first issue of The New Republic magazine is published.

1914 - The German colony of Kiaochow Bay and its centre at Tsingtao are captured by Japanese forces. "die Japaner kommen'!!!"

1916 - U.S. presidential election, 1916: Democrat Woodrow Wilson is re-elected President of the United States by defeating Republican Charles Evans Hughes. Meanwhile, Jeannette Rankin of Montana, running as a Progressive Republican, becomes the first woman elected to the United States House of Representatives.

1917 - Russian Revolution: In Petrograd, Russia, Bolshevik leaders Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky lead revolutionaries in overthrowing the Provisional Government (As Russia is still using the Julian Calendar, subsequent period references show an October 25 date).

1918 - The 1918 influenza epidemic spreads to Western Samoa, killing 7,542 (about 20% of the population) by the end of the year.

1929 - In New York City, the Museum of Modern Art opens to the public.

1932 - Buck Rogers in the 25th Century airs on radio for the first time.

1933 - Fiorello H. LaGuardia is elected the 99th mayor of New York City. Didn't he buy an airport?

1940 - In the U.S. state of Washington, the middle section of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapses in a windstorm, a mere four months after the bridge's completion.

1941 - Jewish tragedy in Nemyriv, Ukraine: German fascists murder 2580 Jews. Earlier in September, 1941 2,400 Jews were shot by German Nazis at the brickworks near Nemyriv. I hate Nazis.

1944 - U.S. presidential election, 1944: Franklin D. Roosevelt wins re-election over challenger Thomas E. Dewey, to become the only U.S. president to be elected to a fourth term. BOOM!!!

1957 - Cold War: The Gaither Report calls for more American missiles and fallout shelters.

1962 - Richard M. Nixon loses the gubernatorial election in the U.S. state of California. In his concession speech, he states that this is his "last press conference" and that "you won't have Dick Nixon to kick around any more".

1967 - US President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, establishing the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

1972 - U.S. presidential election, 1972: Republican incumbent Richard Nixon defeats Democratic Senator George McGovern.

1973 - The U.S. Congress overrides President Richard M. Nixon's veto of the War Powers Resolution, which limits presidential power to wage war without congressional approval.

1983 - A bomb explodes inside the US Capitol building.

1989 - East German Prime Minister Willi Stoph, along with his entire cabinet, is forced to resign after huge anti-government protests.

1991 - Basketball player Magic Johnson announces he has tested positive for HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) and that he is retiring.

1996 - NASA launches the Mars Global Surveyor.

1996 - A Nigerian Boeing 727 crashes into a lagoon 40 miles southeast of Lagos, killing 143.

2000 - Hillary Rodham Clinton is elected to the United States Senate, becoming the first First Lady of the United States to win public office. Blah blah blah.

2001 - The supersonic commercial aircraft Concorde resumes flying after a 15-month break.

Happy Birthday:
1687 - William Stukeley, English archaeologist (d. 1765)
1914 - Archie Campbell, American comedian, writer (d. 1987)
1918 - Billy Graham, American evangelist
1937 - Mary Travers, American singer (Peter, Paul and Mary)
1942 - Johnny Rivers, American singer and composer
1943 - Joni Mitchell, Canadian musician
1960 - Tommy Thayer, American guitarist (KISS)

Deaths today:
1837 - Elijah P. Lovejoy, American abolitionist (b. 1809) See above
1962 - Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States (b. 1884)
1980 - Steve McQueen, American actor (b. 1930)


At 3:10 PM, Blogger Jane Q Doe said...

have you ever clicked on that little ugg boot thing below your counter?? it goes to the wizard of shoes. wtf???


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