Brad's Worlds

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Popes and What-not

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White House crowd sing Happy Birthday to Pope That makes me proud to be an American.

Scientists recreate possible sounds made by Neanderthals Wewwy. That's intwesting. ha ha ha ha ha

`X-Files' movie title is out there: `I Want to Believe'

Bruce Springsteen endorses Obama for president But who the heck is Bruce Springsteen? I mean really. Born in the USA was a catchy song 20 years ago but.... What does he know about politics? It really irritates me when a person of fame endorses a candidate. Are we selling cereal? I think not. Or how about this, Bruce should run for office himself. Ever thought of that? Would you vote for him? If you answered no than answer this. Would you vote for someone endorsed by someone you wouldn't vote for. That's the real question isn't it?

Today in History:
1178 BC - A solar eclipse may mark the return of Odysseus, legendary King of Ithaca, to his kingdom after the Trojan War.

1799 - Napoleonic Wars: The Battle of Mount TaborNapoleon drives Ottoman Turks across the River Jordan near Acre.

1862 - American Civil War: A bill ending slavery in the District of Columbia becomes law.

1881 - In Dodge City, Kansas, Bat Masterson fights his last gun battle.

1943 - Dr. Albert Hofmann discovers the psychedelic effects of LSD.

1963 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. pens his famous Letter from Birmingham Jail while incarcerated in Birmingham, Alabama for protesting against segregation.

1964 - Great Train Robbery - 12 men are sentenced to a total of 307 years.

1972 - Apollo program: The launch of Apollo 16 from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

1990 - The "Doctor of Death", Jack Kevorkian, goes through with his first assisted suicide.

2007 - Virginia Tech massacre: the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history. The gunman shoots 32 people to death and injures 23 others before committing suicide. The only good thing here is that the shooter is dead. Thank you very much.

Happy Birthday:
1682 - John Hadley, British inventor (d. 1744)

1738 - Henry Clinton, British general (d. 1795)

1867 - Wilbur Wright, American aviation pioneer (d. 1912)

1924 - Rudy Pompilli, American musician (Bill Haley & His Comets) (d. 1976)

1939 - Dusty Springfield, English singer (d. 1999)

1965 - Martin Lawrence, American actor

Deaths on this Day:
1946 - Arthur Chevrolet, Swiss-born race car driver and automobile designer (b. 1884)


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