Brad's Worlds

Friday, April 04, 2008

Coming Up

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Do you like Star Trek? They're working on a new Star Trek movie. For the part of the young Spock, Heroes star Zachary Quinto will don the pointy ears. Chris Pine (Just My Luck) plays Kirk, Karl Urban (The Lord of the Rings) is Bones, Zoe Saldana will be Uhura, and funnymen John Cho and Simon Pegg are Sulu and Scotty. See the full crew in this photo slideshow.

I'm just checking out youtube videos. Check out this classic one.... Pretty Woman.

Today in History: (really, this is important stuff)
1581 - Francis Drake completes a circumnavigation of the world and is knighted by Elizabeth I.

1812 - U.S. President James Madison enacted a ninety-day embargo on trade with the United Kingdom. Uh oh!!!

1814 - Napoleon abdicates for the first time.

1818 - The United States Congress adopts the flag of the United States with 13 red and white stripes and one star for each state (then 20).

1841 - William Henry Harrison dies of pneumonia becoming the first President of the United States to die in office and the one with the shortest term served.

1850 - Los Angeles, California is incorporated as a city.

1865 - American Civil War: A day after Union forces capture Richmond, Virginia, U.S. President Abraham Lincoln visits the Confederate capital.

1866 - Alexander II of Russia narrowly escapes an assassination attempt in the city of Kiev.

more here.


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