Brad's Worlds

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Here We Go Again

Free Hit Counters
Ugg Boot

Did you know there are rules in movie theaters? Check out the video....

Today in History:
1425 BC - Thutmose III, Pharaoh of Egypt, dies (according to the Low Chronology of the 18th Dynasty).

1702 - The first regular English language newspaper, The Daily Courant, is published in London, England. The first English language newspaper came out in England? NOOOOOOO!!!!

1801 - Paul I of Russia is assassinated, leading the way for his son Alexander I to accede the throne.

1824 - The United States War Department creates the Bureau of Indian Affairs. I bet that one's no longer in existence.

1845 - British baker Henry Jones invents self-raising flour. Thank you Mr. Jones.

1851 - The first performance of Rigoletto, written by Verdi. It went alright. The popcorn could've had a little more butter though.

1861 - American Civil War: The Constitution of the Confederate States of America is adopted.

1867 - The first performance of Don Carlos written by Verdi. This time the popcorn was great. Just the right amount of butter.

1888 - The Great Blizzard of 1888 begins along the eastern seaboard of the United States, shutting down commerce and killing more than 400.

1897 - A meteorite enters the earth's atmosphere and explodes over New Martinsville, West Virginia. The debris causes damage but no human injuries are reported.

1918 - First confirmed cases of the Spanish Flu are observed at Fort Riley, Kansas. I didn't know the flu spoke different languages.

1927 - In New York City, Samuel Roxy Rothafel opens the Roxy Theatre. More butter on the popcorn please.

1941 - World War II: President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Lend-Lease Act into law, allowing American-built war supplies to be shipped to the Allies on loan. I need some popcorn.

1945 - World War II: The Imperial Japanese Navy attempts a large-scale kamikaze attack on the U.S. Pacific fleet anchored at Ulithi atoll in Operation Tan No. 2.

1985 - Mikhail Gorbachev becomes the Soviet Union's leader.

1997 - An explosion at a nuclear waste reprocessing plant in Japan exposes 35 workers to low-level radioactive contamination in the worst nuclear accident in Japan's history. That's it, I'm going for popcorn. Please watch this next video while I pop my popcorn. Thanks for reading. Thanks for reading that too. Thanks, also, for reading this thank you note.

New Redneck Deer Hunting Gun Video

Happy Birthday:
1725 - Henry Benedict Stuart, pretender to the throne of Great Britain (d. 1807) Oh Oh Ye es I'm the great pretender... ooooh oooh

1785 - John McLean, U.S. Supreme Court Justice (d. 1861) You remember him right? He was the dude from Die Hard

1903 - Lawrence Welk, American musician (d. 1992). "Wasn't that lovely?"

1934 - Sam Donaldson, American reporter

1950 - Bobby McFerrin, American singer. Don't worry Bobby, Be Happy.

1964 - Vinnie Paul, American drummer (Pantera)

1971 - Johnny Knoxville, American television personality and jackass.

1974 - Jon Dalton, the infamous "Jonny Fairplay" from the 7th and 16th season of Survivor
Dude, my grandma died. Speaking of dying grandmothers, check out this next video which has absolutely nothing to do with dying or grandmothers.

Crazy Ducks!!!!

Deaths on this day:
222 - Elagabalus, Roman Emperor

222 - Julia Soaemias, mother of Elagabalus (b. 180) You talk about a bad day. Man!!!

1786 - Charles Humphreys, American delegate to the Continental Congress (b. 1714)

1801 - Paul I of Russia, Russian tsar (b. 1754)

1847 - Johnny Appleseed, American pioneer agronomist (b. 1774) I bet he was a Peach farmer. Dontcha think?

1955 - Oscar Mayer, Bavarian-born American meat packer (b. 1859) Balogna!!! I don't believe it!!!

Remember, all comments are appreciated.


At 11:34 AM, Blogger Penny said...

I've been trying to leave a comment for days, and for some reason they don't show up...
How was the popcorn?


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